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Tuesday, 8 March 2016

National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) Research Funding Grants Round Calendar 2016

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (​NBCF​)​ will soon be opening the Grants Round for 2016 and we encourage researchers to submit applications for breast cancer research projects that align with our goal of achieving zero deaths by 2030 through better detection, prevention, treatment and support for women with breast cancer. Please be aware that there are changes to the opening and closing dates of some grant schemes.
In 2016 NBCF has committed over $12 million to fund more than 30 research projects that will contribute towards our goal of zero deaths from breast cancer by 2030. This year we have continued to fund innovative projects that investigate new avenues for treatment, and new applications for existing treatments to improve outcomes for breast cancer patients. The researchers will explore promising areas of investigation, some of which include more effective immunotherapies for hard to treat breast cancers, targeted treatment delivery systems, and predictive tests for relapsing cancer. 

In total, since 1994, NBCF has awarded more than $127 million to around 430 Australian-based research projects to improve the health and well-being of those affected by breast cancer.

Calendar attached here.

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