A reminder to all SCS staff and students that the last day of work for University personnel will be Wednesday 22nd December. The University will re-open on Tuesday 4th January.
Before you head off for the shutdown period, please remember to turn off any powerpoints in your office that connect non-essential equipment (such as desktop computers), Christmas lights, etc.
Staff and students who are required to be on-site during the closure, are reminded to enter the hospital via the main staff entrances and undertake a thermal scan and also submit the Monash Health daily attestation. To follow OHS procedures, staff and students must submit the SCS After-Hours Work Form, which is available from the SCS intranet.
For emergencies at Monash Health sites (MMC buildings, Monash Children's Hospital, Casey Hospital, and Dandenong Hospital) please ring x2222 from a landline or dial 9594 7860 from a mobile.
When in the MIMR Building (#261) or MHRP Building (#262) ring (0)000 for emergencies.
When at Notting Hill or at the University campus, please ring x333 from a landline, or 990 53333 from a mobile.
For more OHS information please go to the OHS & Wellbeing page of the SCS intranet.
Merry Christmas!