We are delighted to welcome our two notable keynote speakers this year:
- Tuesday 14 Nov at
10.30am: Laureate Professor Peter Doherty AC
Professor Peter Doherty shared the 1996 Nobel Medicine Prize with Swiss
colleague Rolf Zinkernagel for discovering the nature of the cellular immune
defense. Based at the Doherty Institute, and also spending part of his year at
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (SJCRH), Memphis, USA, he continues to be
involved in research directed at understanding and preventing the severe
consequences of influenza virus infection. In addition, he goes in to bat for
evidence-based reality, relating to areas as diverse as childhood vaccination,
global hunger and anthropogenic climate change. In an effort to communicate
more broadly, he has published five “lay” books.
- Wednesday 15 Nov at
10am: Dr Andrea Douglas, Vice-President, Research &
Development, Strategy and External Affairs, CSL
has held various roles at CSL since 2005, including VP, Licensing where she
lead the in and out licensing of R&D assets, head of Global R&D Project
Management and Program Director, Influenza, where she had oversight of CSL’s
Influenza Vaccine activities.
Before joining CSL Andrea was the CEO of the
Gene CRC. She also held a senior research role at WEHI where she studied the
molecular genetics of breast cancer.
Andrea has a PhD degree in Forensic Medicine
from Monash University. She also holds a Masters degree in Health
Administration and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company
Directors. She has been a Director of AusBiotech since 2013.
very much hope to fill the room for our keynote speakers. All staff and
students are strongly encouraged to attend.
MHTP Research Week program is available HERE