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SCS research and awards news

For all our research and awards news, please visit our news page.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Dr Anna Schroeder awarded Gibson Foundation Fellowship

Dr Anna Schroeder
Congratulations to Dr Anna Schroeder from the Department of Psychiatry who is the recipient of a Gibson Foundation Fellowship. The Fellowship will provide funding for Dr Schroeder to support her research investigating the biological underpinnings of schizophrenia.

Ideas Grants guidance available on the MRO webpage

The MRO Research Development Team will be providing written guidance and and reviews to support the upcoming NHMRC Ideas Grant round (due 10th June 2020). The first of these guidance documents (quick guides) have been up-loaded to the MRO Ideas Grants intranet page.

Funding Opportunity: Research projects relating to COVID-19 and General Practice

The RACGP Foundation and HCF Research Foundation are coming together to fund research projects relating to COVID-19 and general practice. Further detail for those that are interested in submitting an expression of interest via the RACGP Foundation can be found here.

FREE - Productive work from home mini-course

Christina has worked with Monash for many years delivering Grant Writing workshops for our researchers. This online module is quite short, free, easy nto navigate and full of practical tips and tricks. You can access the module here.

MMC/MCH Site Alert: Shuttle Bus - Bus Stop Change

The MMC site bus stop for the Browns Road South car park shuttle bus is changing. The new bus stop will be located in the MMC Northern Entry Loading Zone. The current shuttle bus timetable will apply to the new bus stop.

Cancer Council Victoria's Grants-In-Aid - Expressions of Interest

Cancer Council Victoria’s 2020 Grants-in-Aid process has now been finalised. Grants-in-Aid supports cancer research for up to $100,000 per year for a maximum of three years.

Georgina Sweet Awards for Women in Quantitative Biomedical Science

The Georgina Sweet Awards for Women in Quantitative Biomedical Science  were created by Professor Leann Tilley as part of her Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship program to promote and support female scientists who demonstrate excellence in the area of Quantitative Biomedical Science.

MMC/MCH Site Alert: Changes to Building Entry

Temperature screening of all people entering the Monash Medical Centre (MMC) main building (inc Jessie McPherson Private Hospital) and the Monash Children’s Hospital (MCH) is now in operation.

MNHS PASS sessions

Need help with BMA1901, BMS1021, BMS1031, NUR1112, NUT1101, OCC1021, PYT1011? Join Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)! You'll cover unit content and learn study skills from your PASS leader, a senior student who has done well in the unit. Sign up through Moodle now.

Access to MMC is now highly restricted

Monash Medical Centre is now only accessible via the front entrance at Clayton Road, and thermal screening is required for entry. Monash Children's Hospital has the same requirement via the MCH front entrance.


This year ANZAC Day falls on Saturday, 25 April. There are only two states that will have a public holiday on Monday, 27 April and Victoria is not one of them. Therefore, Monday, 27 April will be a normal working day for all of us.

Join the 2020 HISS committee

Hello SCS! HISS is looking for SCS students to join our 2020 committee! HISS is a student society that represents all Hudson students and Monash SCS HDR students, we run fun social and academic events for all Hudson and SCS students.

Research Australia's 2020 Health and Medical Research Awards

Research Australia's 2020 Health and Medical Research Awards will be held on Tuesday, December 8 at the Four Seasons Sydney.

ANZ Sage Publishing - author webinar tonight

ANZ Sage Publishing is hosting a free webinar on 23 April 2020 at 9:00PM (Melbourne time), which will focus on the field of Neuroscience.
  • How can you make your manuscript stand out among the countless academic achievements in the field of neuroscience? 
  • How do you grab and keep the attention of the editor?

Get active online with Monash Sport

Did you know Monash Sport is offering a variety of online workouts, health and wellbeing tips and demonstrations to help us keep moving and stay active whilst we are at home? And best of all it's free! To get active online with Monash Sport please visit https://www.monash.edu/sport/active-bodies-online

Can I visit my loved one in hospital even if they don't have coronavirus?

Hospitals are at the coalface of the COVID-19 pandemic, but is it okay to visit loved ones even if they don't have the virus? Professor Barbora de Courten unpacks this question for The Conversation. Read the full story here.

IMPORTANT: Online OHS training modules

Now is a great time to ensure you are up-to-date with your OHS training, as several modules have been placed online. Please read through the information, and plan to complete modules that you need to do/refresh.

Save the date - 3MT

The SCS and Hudson Institute Three Minute Thesis competition final will be held on Wednesday, 3 June at 2pm. We are anticipating the event will be held via Zoom, with more details to follow. For now, please mark the date in you diary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on COVID-19 outbreak and NHMRC processes

NHMRC has released FAQs on the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak on applications for NHMRC funding, peer review, grant management and other NHMRC processes. Details are available on NHMRC’s Website.

Monday, 20 April 2020

What does it mean to be immunocompromised? And why does this increase your risk of coronavirus?

We've all heard about the 'at risk' groups when it comes to coronavirus, which includes those who are immunocompromised. Dr Fabien Vincent and Dr Sarah Jones write for The Conversation on what this means, and why having a weaker immune system places you at greater risk of contracting the virus. Read the full story here.