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Tuesday, 8 March 2016

2017 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants

The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government, which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake Internships in the region.

The Australian Government is committing over AUD $100 million of funding for the New Colombo Plan between 2013-2014 and 2017-2018. It involves a prestigious scholarship program for study of up to one year and Internships or Mentorships, and a flexible mobility grant program for both short and longer term study, Internships, Mentorships, practicums, clinical placements and research.
We now invite you to consider an application within the 2017 New Colombo Plan mobility grant funding round through the attached funding guidelines and a draft Monash internal template.

To support your application, information sessions will be held next week across campuses (and then a further set during the week 11-15 April).

1. Clayton campus Monday 14th March (11:00am -12:00pm) and Tuesday 15th March 2016  (11:00am -12:00pm) George Lush Room (3A), 27 Chancellors Walk
2. Caulfield campus Thursday 17th March 2016 (10:00am – 11:00pm) and (1:00pm – 2:00pm) Building H, Room 220
3. Peninsula Campus Wednesday 16th March 2016 (10:30am – 11:30am) Building A Room 1.17
4. Berwick campus Friday 18th March 2016 (1:30pm – 2:30pm) Building 901 Room 133

Global Engagement look forward to supporting Faculty applications and collectively placing Monash in the most competitive position to be awarded funding for programs that mobilise students into the Indo-Pacific region.

Please find attached the 2017 DFAT NCP guidelines for the mobility grant scheme and the draft Monash internal template for your use in beginning to prepare applications. The Monash internal process will require submission to Global Engagement by Friday 6th May 2016 to allow an internal panel to rank applications against the strategic objectives of the New Colombo Plan and for applications to then be entered into the Government portal.

Please note that the Monash internal template is still in draft mode prior to Government releasing the confirmed final application form for this 2017 round. As soon as this is available (we anticipate it will be released and ready prior to the second round of information sessions) we will distribute a finalised template. In the meantime the criteria and program logistic detail sections of the template will assist you in commencing a draft.

14 March - 18 March campus information sessions
11 April - 15 April campus follow up information sessions
6 May Final applications due for submission on the internal template to Global Engagement via monash.abroad@monash.edu
11 May -24 May Panel review and internal ranking process
25 May -3 June Ranked applications uploaded and submitted via the government portal

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