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Thursday, 4 March 2021

MRFF 2020 Clinician Researchers: Applied Research in Health NOW OPEN

The previously forecast  2020 Clinician Researchers: Applied Research in Health is now open

This grant opportunity will fund projects in three funding streams:

·         Stream 1: General practitioner-led teams

·         Stream 2: Medical specialist-led teams

·         Stream 3: Allied health-led teams.

Grants are up to $3M over 3 years, and everyone is encouraged to use the support outlined below.

For Guidelines and Grant Documentation please see:


MRO Development support is available and templates and guidance documents are available to assist you. Please contact Amanda Hamilton, Senior MRFF Grants development Officer in the MRO Proposal Support Team mro.researchdevelopment@monash.edu

For standard grant application questions please contact the grants team at MRO-applications@monash.edu

If you would like to discuss your suitability, project concept, team or strategy for this grant scheme please contact Karen McConalogue at:  karen.mcconalogue@monash.edu

MRO Grant Development Support will be available in the week commencing 15 March.

MRO Compliance Deadline (via Pure) March 29th

Closing date at funder 5pm, 12 April 2021  

This application is via the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and will be submitted via the Business.gov.au grant portalYou will need to register for an account if you have not used that portal previously. https://portal.business.gov.au/

There are multiple sections of the grant where the Monash templates will assist you so please contact Amanda at mro.researchdevelopment@monash.edu if you are progressing with an application.