The NHMRC CRE Grants scheme is now open for applications in
Sapphire.The objectives of the CRE grant scheme is:
- to improve health outcomes and promote or improve translation of research outcomes into policy and/or practice.
- The CRE scheme will also support researchers in capacity building activities, including in specific areas of need identified by NHMRC.
The expected outcomes are to:- support the conduct and development of innovative, high quality, collaborative research
- promote effective translation of research into health policy and/or practice
- foster and build capacity in the health and medical research workforce
- provide opportunities to expand and improve collaborations between research teams.
Grant Guidelines and Grant Proposal Documents - Available on GrantConnect
Grant Guidelines and the Grant Proposal template are available on GrantConnect (GO5794). You will need to login to access the documents. Peer Review Guidelines will not be available before the scheme close.
MRO Submission Process Document - HERE
Minimum Data
NHMRC CRE Grants have a minimum data requirement. Minimum data must be entered into Sapphire by 17:00 AEST 16 November 2022. Applications that fail to satisfy this requirement will not be accepted. Minimum data for CRE Grants is comprised of:
- Application title
- Administering institution
- CRE Stream
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Research Focus (yes/no)
- Project synopsis
- NHMRC Privacy agreement (yes/no)
- Research Classification:
- Broad research area
- Field(s) of research
- Peer Review Areas
- Research keywords
- Chief Investigator A (CIA) (completed CIA Role, Name and Email)
The MRO will automatically begin checking applications to ensure they meet minimum data requirements in Sapphire from Wednesday 09 November 2022 and will contact you once this check has been completed. You do not need to contact us to request we check your minimum data.
MRO Compliance & Eligibility Checking
As required for submission, the MRO will be conducting eligibility and compliance checks of CRE Grant applications. The due date for a full draft to be provided to MRO (including Sapphire sections being completed with the Grant Proposal document) is 17 November 2022. Only applications that meet the 17 November 2022 deadline will have a full check of the application.
Key Dates
- Applications open in Sapphire: 19 October 2022
- Minimum data close: 17:00 AEDT 16 November 2022
- MRO Compliance Check close: 17 November 2022* (for a full eligibility and compliance check)
- CI Certification of Finalised application: 10AM 28 November 2022
- NHMRC external deadline: 17:00 AEDT 30 November 2022
Research Development Support
The Research Development Team may be available to review key sections of CRE grants, to provide a generalist review of the Knowledge Gain section (prioritising the first page and aspects of scheme fit), and to consider impact sections for key personnel.
If you'd like to participate, please contact for a discussion ahead of the minimum data deadline.
Please contact the MRO Applications team if you have any questions.