Presenation Date, Time Venue - 30th Jan 2017, 11am, Seminar Room 1 (Level 2 TRF)
Student Name - Idrees Khan Sher
Presentation Title - Histological and immuno-histochemical investigations of the topographical localisation and mechanisms of action of Mesenchymal Progenitor Stem Cells (MPCs) in the repair of degenerate disc using an ovine model
Synopsis - Degeneration of the intervertebral disc has been implicated in low back pain which causes significant morbidity to the individual and substantial losses to the economy in lost productivity and sick leave. Stem cell therapies hold promise in their ability to repair and regenerate compromised tissue. We review the spatiotemporal migration and therapeutic effects of labelled mesenchymal progenitor stem cells in the repair of disc injury in the ovine model.
Supervisor details - A/Prof Tony Goldschlager, Prof Julian Smith, Prof Peter Ghosh