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SCS research and awards news

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Monday, 10 September 2018

NHMRC Investigator grant support - register your EOI

The NHMRC Investigator grants will close on 6 February 2019. This year, SCS (including the Hudson) were the most successful school in the Faculty on a percentage success basis.  SCS and the Faculty will provide support for all applicants again this year, but to do this we need to know who will be applying.

If you have not already, please complete the EOI asap so we can customise support.  https://goo.gl/forms/7vr9hq0WUOVe2Kup1

Anyone who would like to discuss their eligibility and/or options is encouraged to contact Rosemary Horne rosemary.horne@monash.edu

As this is a new system we need to be as organised as possible and noting the deadline being organised early will allow you at least some Christmas holidays!

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