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Monday, 26 March 2018

Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund (Round 2) - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (EOI)

Round 2 of the Victorian Medical Research Acceleration Fund will provide up to $100,000, matched dollar for dollar, for the translation of early stage health and medical research into health and economic outcomes.

Research applications must:
  • Be for early stage innovations, including discovery research, clinical research and/or health practice/ health service
  • Support an idea or innovation to attract peer review funding or investment by industry, philanthropy or other sources
  • Require matching funding to demonstrate capacity to collaborate. To undertake research that has a clear pathway to translation
  • Articulate how the fund will ‘fast track’ the research into health and economic outcomes
  • Describe how the fund will increase the ability to leverage third party funding e.g. from industry or philanthropic sources.
As per the guidelines for this scheme, universities may only submit five (5) applications per research Faculty.  As such, there will be an internal Expression of Interest (EOI) process for review and ranking of applications within faculties.

Intending applicants are required to prepare an EOI using the attached template and submit to the Faculty Research Office (medicine.research@monash.edu) by no later than 5:00PM (AEST) on Friday 6 April 2018.

The five (5) shortlisted Monash applicants will be advised to proceed with their full application submission and entry of their application into Pure on or soon after 13 April 2018.  The MRO compliance check deadline is 20 April 2018.  Final applications are due to the funder by 5pm Friday 4 May 2018

Further information about this call including the application form can be found at the following link.

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