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SCS research and awards news

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Monday, 26 March 2018

Expressions of Interest: SCS Education Director

The aim of this one-year appointment is to establish the role of the SCS Education Director within the School. Funding will be provided to the department from which the position holder is seconded for backfill of that position for a maximum of 0.2 FTE. Applicants should have extensive knowledge of education and learning theories and practice, alongside currency of knowledge and understanding of educational policies and procedures of FMNHS. The SCS Education Director will report to the HoS via the School Executive Committee.

KPIs for 2018 are:
1.       Review and realign the SCS Education Committee to align with Faculty objectives and Chair that committee which reports into the School Executive.
2.       Construct a business case in collaboration with the School Manager and School Finance Manager to expand the role of the Education Director and support the role in the longer term. This will include development plans for short course(s) and or new degree variants.
3.       Assist department and department heads in developing business cases, and connecting to University and Faculty supports,  for new educational offerings from SCS.

Please express your interest in this role to  Dr Eugene Fredericks, School Manager (eugene.fredericks@monash.edu)

More information HERE.

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