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Monday, 26 March 2018

2018 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (EOI)

As trustee of the Ramaciotti Foundations, Perpetual would like to advise that applications are now open for the 2018 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grants

A Health Investment Grant is intended to provide enabling research support for an autonomous early career investigator (no more than 10 years post-PhD) who is taking or has recently taken a substantive position.

Applications may be made for a contribution of up to 50% (to a maximum of $150,000) of the total cost towards the proposed project. A Health Investment Grant is subject to the host institution providing a matching grant of the amount requested and raising the balance (if any) of the full cost of the proposed project. The matching grant must be cash for cash (not in-kind) but can include the salaries of project personnel (excluding the salary of the Chief Investigator).

As per the guidelines for this scheme, Monash University may only submit a total of one application per department, up to a maximum of three applications across the University. As such, there will be an Expression of Interest (EOI) process for review and ranking of applications within faculties.

Intending applicants are required to prepare an EOI using the attached template and submit to the Faculty Research Office (medicine.research@monash.edu) by no later than 5:00PM (AEDT) on Thursday 29 March 2018.

The three shortlisted Monash applicants will be advised to proceed with their full application submission and entry of their application into Pure on or soon after 18 April 2018.  Final applications are due to the Ramaciotti Foundation via SmartyGrants by 5pm Thursday 31 May 2018

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