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SCS research and awards news

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Tuesday, 27 October 2015


The Australian Respiratory Council (ARC) is seeking to award up to three one-year research grants of approximately $50,000 each in 2016. These grants are named in honour of the late Dr Harry Windsor, a leading Australian heart surgeon who played a key role in ARC for many years. 

Dr Windsor performed the first heart transplant operation in Australia and was a prominent cardiothoracic surgeon at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital. He was actively involved with ARC and its Board from 1955 until his death in 1987.

Grants will be for projects which address research in tuberculosis (TB), respiratory diseases due to other infections, or respiratory diseases related to tobacco use. Within these categories, projects examining TB/HIV, community issues or the health of disadvantaged groups that relate to the work that the Australian Respiratory Council undertakes within Australia and the Pacific Region are particularly encouraged. 

The proposals can encompass clinical research, public health or basic scientific research.

ARC Harry Windsor Research Grants will be made for projects which were submitted to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in 2015 and which have been assessed as fundable by the NHMRC but have missed the cut-off for funding in 2016. 

Initial applications can be submitted to ARC prior to completion of final funding offers from the NHMRC. 

ARC Harry Windsor Research Grants are tenable for one year and open to researchers across Australia. Projects funded under this scheme must be conducted during the year of the award. Grants are tenable in any Australian State or Territory and will be awarded to institutions with appropriate research facilities.

The ARC Harry Windsor Research Grants are awarded in open competition on the basis of merit following detailed assessment by ARC’s Research Committee.

Application and Assessment Process
Initial application In order to apply for a grant, the Chief Investigator of the project is required to send the Application ID Number and the Original Title of their grant application submitted to NHMRC in 2015 to research@thearc.org.au. This information will be treated confidentially. The Research Committee will examine all applications received by the due date and develop a shortlist for detailed examination. 

The closing date for initial applications is Monday 2 November, 2015.

Please refer to the attached flyer for further information. All queries should be directed to research@thearc.org.au.

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