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Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Monash contributions to ARC Centres of Excellence

Monash Contributions
Last week, the Group of Eight ​(Go8) ​Deputy Vice Chancellors (Research) met and unanimously agreed to a 4:1 return on cash investment for this round of ARC Centres of Excellence. This is a revision to the in-principle support provided at the time of the Expression of Interest submission, but reflects the economic realities of the sector.

Prof Pauline Nestor, Senior Vice-Provost and Vice-Provost (Research) and has advised that the Office of the Vice-Provost (Research) will contribute up to one third of the total Monash cash contribution with the balance to be shared between Faculty (1/3) and School/Department (1/3). 

E.g. If Monash is to contribute $75K p.a. for a $300K p.a. return, then Central will contribute 1/3 ($25K p.a.) and 2/3 ($50K p.a.) will need to be contributed from the Faculty/School.

Monash Certification of Funding Form (attached here)
Centre Directors (for Monash-led bids) and lead Monash CIs (on non-Monash-led bids) are requested to submit the completed and endorsed form to arc@monash.edu by:
Monash-Led bids: 18 November 2015
Non-Lead bids: 25 November 2015
Statements of support
Monash-led bids: Please submit the text of the Statement of support from the Administering Organisation  (7000 characters max) to arc@monash.edu for endorsement by Prof Pauline Nestor by 9am, 9 December 2015. 
Non-Lead bids: Please submit Monash support letters for signing by Prof Pauline Nestor, PVC(R) by 9am, 9 December 2015 to arc@monash.edu.

Important Dates for Monash-Led bids:
CE17 Full Proposal
MRO close date
ARC close date
Proposal closing date
9am 7 Dec 2015
5pm 16 Dec 2016

​All queries should be directed to the ARC Pre-award Team at MRO (arc@monash.edu).​

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