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Thursday, 9 April 2020

MRFF - 2020 Targeted Translation Research Accelerator Grant Opportunity

The 2020 Targeted Translation Research Accelerator Grant Opportunity was announced as part of the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and is an Initiative under the Preventive and Public Health Research Initiative.

Objective: to support the development of novel preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and products for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

To achieve this an organisation will be funded to deliver the Accelerator as a comprehensive package of activities to improve outcomes for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Governance for the implementation of this project by the organisation will be provided by a board of experts appointed by the Minister for Health.

The successful independent organisation will be responsible for ensuring that the Accelerator:

  • establishes through competitive processes two research centres, one for diabetes and one for cardiovascular disease to accelerate therapies for the prevention, early detection and treatment of disease related complications
  • supports through competitive processes research projects on the potential common pathways interactions, and complexities for patients experiencing two or more of the following: Type 1 diabetes; Type 2 diabetes; and cardiovascular disease
  • targets investment and related support through partnership projects to progress promising drug and device development projects, with a focus on promoting commercialisation of novel therapeutics and devices for diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • sources, nurtures and invests in early stage therapeutic research targets to transform diagnostic and therapeutic care for people with diabetes
  • commissions and conducts research to support the health and commercial sectors to deliver transformations in diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Expected outcome: to improve knowledge and its translation into practice in order to reduce the burden of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

For more information about the opportunity including guidelines and templates, please visit GrantConnect.

The closing date for this scheme is 17:00 AEST on 22 APRIL 2020.

Please contact mhs@monash.edu if you are interested in applying.

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