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Wednesday, 26 February 2020

New Indigenous Visiting Research Fellowships

In 2020, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute is launching new Indigenous Visiting Research Fellowships, providing funding support for up to two Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers to advance their research and scientific training at the Institute’s campus in Melbourne. Confirmed PhD students through to mid-career researcher, including clinicians, are eligible to apply.

The fellowships, lasting 3-24 months, will provide flexible funding for researchers to utilise the expertise of an Institute laboratory and associated research infrastructure, to analyse samples or data from their own project or undertake new experiments to complement their research, and to develop their own skills and experience.

Researchers can either attend our Melbourne campus themselves or, where this is not possible, use the fellowship to fund a research assistant to progress the research under the fellowship holder’s direction. The funding can cover salary where this is not provided by the fellowship holder’s organisation.

The goal is to support the career development and progression of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers around Australia, and it is anticipated that fellowship recipients would return to their current employers/place of education at the conclusion of the fellowship to continue their research.

Full application information can be found here
Enquiries can be made to Dr Sant-Rayn Pasricha and Dr Tracy Putoczki, Co-chairs, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute Reconciliation Committee at indigenousfellowships@wehi.edu.au

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