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Monday, 7 May 2018

ORCID for NHMRC's New Grants Management System

On 26 April 2018, Professor Anne Kelso (AO), Chief Executive Officer of the NHMRC provided an update on how peer review is expected to work for the new grant schemes in 2019.  The webinar video and slides are available from the NHMRC website.

A brief update on NHMRC’s new grant’s management system due for release late this year was also provided at the end of the webinar.  Professor Kelso mentioned that the new grants management system (replacing RGMS) is expected to link to external data sources such as ORCID.  As such, all researchers in FMNHS will need to have an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), which is an internationally recognised unique identifier. 

Researchers who already have an ORCID should add it to their personal profile in Pure. Researchers who do not have one can create one via Pure. This will add the ORCID to the Pure profile automatically. There are instructions available on managing Pure profiles and the ORCID creation process.

The Research OutputsCollection Service (ROCS) or the Monash Library are able to provide further assistance. There is also a Library Guide on author IDs and profiles.

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