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Monday, 16 April 2018

Gene therapy regime that restores mitochondrial function and prevents mdx cardiomyopathy, 19 April

This week's Hudson seminar will be held in Lecture Theatre 1, MMC on Thursday 19th April 12pm-1pm.
Our speaker will be Professor Livia Hool, PhD FAHA FCANZ, NHMRC Senior Research Fellow, President International Society for Heart Research (Australasian Section)

She will be presenting 'Gene therapy regime that restores mitochondrial function and prevents mdx cardiomyopathy'
Livia Hool completed her PhD in cellular electrophysiology at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney in 1995. She then undertook 2 years postdoctoral research as a recipient of an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship in the School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. In 1998 she was awarded a Peter Doherty Fellowship from NHMRC and relocated to The University of Western Australia where she established the Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Laboratory in the Physiology Department. She has received continuous national competitive funding since establishing the laboratory and previously held an NHMRC Career Development Award and an ARC Future Fellowship. She is currently the recipient of an NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship, Faculty-at-Large of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney, President of the International Society for Heart Research Australasian Section and Founding Director and General Secretary of the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance. The work of her laboratory is concerned with understanding the role that the L-type Ca2+ channel plays in mediating alterations in calcium and metabolic activity in the heart leading to sudden cardiac death and heart failure. This is studied at the level of purified channel protein, the single cell, the whole heart ex vivo and in murine models of cardiomyopathy strategically directed towards building basic knowledge, method development, discovery, and translation.

A light lunch and refreshments will follow this presentation. 

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