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Monday, 16 April 2018

Faculty Research Committee update March 2018

Prepared by Professor Michael Hickey, SCS representative on the Faculty's Research Committee – 29/03/2018

1.   Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)
-   MRFF Calls for applications in recent times have typically occurred quite close (~6wks) to deadline for application. Therefore, it is important for the Faculty to be prepared and ready to respond quickly
-   Applications benefit from demonstration of alignment of diverse Faculty groups.
-   Areas of Precision Medicine and Mental Health have been identified as Monash strengths that may be targeted in future MRFF calls, and so preparatory groundwork is in train in these areas, led by Profs. Eric Morand and Steve Jane respectively. Researchers are encouraged to contact leads if they would like to contribute/participate.
-   Faculty has set up an MRFF intranet page with information relevant to MRFF opportunities. See: https://monash.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f5fb421215411523bece58a4a&id=265a640715&e=07588acebf

2.   Strategic Grants Scheme
-   To be placed in hiatus in 2018 (except for Platform Access Grants) in part due to funding restrictions, and to enable assessment of the efficacy of past iterations of the funding schemes.

3.   HDR Students / Supervisors
-   Supervisors are reminded that the Intellectual Property form (now on-line) needs to be completed for all new students, and that supervisors and their students should review the IP status of their projects annually.

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