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Tuesday, 16 February 2016

MRO UPDATE: NHMRC Project Grant – MRO Compliance Check & Minimum Data Deadline 17th February 2016

A reminder to please complete the minimum data for NHMRC Project Grant applications in RGMS by 5:00pm (AEST) on Wednesday 17th February 2016. Minimum data for NHMRC Project Grants consists of the following:
  • PA Home: You must complete fields for, Administering Institution, Application Title, Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Research (yes/no) and Synopsis;
  • RC Research Classification (all sections); and
  • B-NA: Nomination of a Non Assessor (leave blank if not required).
Applicants may leave the Nomination of a Non Assessor section blank if this field is not required for their application. Your application will still meet minimum data requirements if this field is left blank. However, if there is someone you wish to nominate as a Non Assessor, then it must be done as part of the minimum data requirement as NHMRC are determining review panels and assessors from this data - a Non Assessor should not be added later.

Applicants are also reminded to complete the minimum data fields with full and correct information as this information is used by NHMRC to commence sourcing suitable assessors. Using placeholder text such as “text”, “synopsis” or “xx” etc. are not acceptable as minimum data. Applications that fail to satisfy this requirement will not be accepted by NHMRC.
MRO will commence checking minimum data for Project Grants in RGMS from 9am Thursday 11th February and will only contact applicants whose applications do not meet the minimum data requirements.

Additionally, please remember to submit your 'review ready' application for a compliance check by Wednesday the 17th February by following the instructions in the attached MRO Submission Process document.  

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