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Monday, 20 July 2015

ARC Future Fellowships (FT15) - Update from MRO - Strategic Statement

The ARC Team have provided the attached applicant template for the ARC Future Fellowships (FT15) Strategic Statement and extra guidance on Strategic Statement inclusions for faculties in relation to continuing appointments and use of salary for existing employees.

Researchers intending to apply in the FT15 round should be advised to notify the Faculty Research Office (medicine.research@monash.edu) at the earliest opportunity in order to benefit from faculty-specific resources developed to assist with the preparation of their Strategic Statements.


As you are aware, the ARC has released funding rules and MRO has already advised internal dates for the scheme.

The purpose of this email is to provide you with an applicant template for the Strategic Statement and extra guidance on Strategic Statement inclusions for faculties.

Strategic Statement
The Strategic Statement template is attached here.  The template will also be made available on the MRO Future Fellowships intranet.
Also attached is guidance for ADRs, Heads and Faculty staff supporting the writing of strategic statements.  It addresses queries that have arisen due to the changes to the Funding Rules that affect the University's plans for FT candidates and inclusions in the Strategic Statement.

Key Dates
MRO close date
ARC close date
Open in RMS 30 June 2015
Proposal closing date
28 July 2015
5pm 11 August 2015
Strategic statement
28 July 2015
Eligibility Exemption Request
10 July 2015
5pm 14 July 2015
Request Not to Assess
21 July 2015
5pm 28 July 2018
Rejoinder Process
October 2015

We encourage all those intending to apply to commence their applications in RMS as soon as possible to help us manage the round and communicate any updates from ARC.
As always, we are very happy to answer any questions that might arise.  Please direct queries to arc@monash.edu

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