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Wednesday, 19 February 2020

MRFF - important information for current and forecast MRFF grant opportunities

A reminder that there are still a number of MRFF Grants Opportunities across February and March (See summary below). Please note that some have MINIMUM DATA deadlines

For schemes administered by NHMRC please ensure you have commenced your application in RGMS. For those applying via schemes administered by AusIndustry please ensure you create a Pure record and notify me so we know that you are applying.

Guidance and Checklists for Grant Opportunities - See the MRO MRFF website
Please use the guidance and checklist documents where available, which provide instructions on sections you may not have encountered before (milestones and risk management etc ) and the steps for preparing an application.

Board and Support Letters
For those applying via schemes administered by AusIndustry you will require a Board Letter (if you are the lead) or a Support Letter (if the grant is led by another organisation) please ensure you provide a complete draft application including the draft Board/Support letter to MRO (via Pure pre-approval). You cannot submit the grant without this letter. Please note the deadlines on the MRO intranet to get these letters edited and signed.  

For guidelines, proposal templates and other important documents follow the links below
1) National Critical Infrastructure Initiative - Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Infrastructure grant opportunity (via AusIndustry)
Closing 3 March 2020 5.00pm AEDT   
2) National Critical Infrastructure Initiative - Applied Artificial Intelligence Research in Health   (via AusIndustry)
Closing 3 March 2020 5.00pm AEDT 
3) Brain Cancer Mission – Brain Cancer Survivorship Grant Opportunity (via AusIndustry)
Closing 3 March 2020 5.00pm AEDT   
4) Traumatic Brain Injury Mission (via NHMRC)
Deadline for Minimum Data 5pm ACT local time on 26 February 2020
Applications close 5pm ACT local time on 4 March 2020 
5) Stem Cell Therapies Mission (via NHMRC)
Deadline for Minimum Data 5pm ACT local time on 26 February 2020
Applications close 5pm ACT local time on 4 March 2020  
6) BioMedical Translation Bridge Program (via MTPConnect)
The Round 2 BTB EOI close 6 March 2020
7) Frontier Health and Medical Research (via AusIndustry)
Closing 26 March 2020 5.00pm AEDT   

Forecast and Expected Calls
  • Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research Initiative- Silicosis. No further advice at this stage
  • Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research Initiative- Medicinal Cannabis for pain in cancer patients. Latest information on dates: Open from March 2020, Closing July/August 2020.    
  • Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research Initiative- COVID19 Vaccine development. Expected very soon.
  • Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission Grants expected to open before the end of April.
  • International Clinical Trials Collaboration - Grant round now overdue.
  • Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) Program operator selected (MTPConnect). No further advice about the program or dates for applications.

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