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SCS research and awards news

For all our research and awards news, please visit our news page.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Are you looking for research students? Call for 2017 Hons, Masters and PhD research projects - please complete by FRI 20 MAY

ATTN: School of Clinical Sciences and Hudson Institute potential 2017 research supervisors:
If you are looking to recruit a research student for 2017, please upload your proposed project(s) to the following searchable online database.  You will need your Monash Uni authcate username and password to login as 'supervisor'.
The SCS and Hudson Communications offices will prepare an on-line and hardcopy booklet using projects listed in the database.

All staff are asked to update and/or submit research project offerings via the Faculty MNHS project database - click on:  https://studentresearchprojects.med.monash.edu.au/project-search?field_school_value=59
1.       Go to “Supervisor login” listed on the top tab and type in your Monash username and authcate. 
2.       Go to “CREATE ENTRY” to enter project details and ensure to SAVE each entry. 
3.       Under the compulsory “School” field, please select  School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health
4.       Under SCS Department, please select relevant department.  Hudson researchers please select Molecular Translational Science (Hudson Institute), Deptartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology or Department of Paediatrics.
5.       Please select the primary research theme for your project
6.       Please select a secondary research theme if relevant

To edit projects that have previously been entered in 2015 and 2016 go to tab “MY ENTRIES” and select your project.  Under “OFFER STATUS”, you can select:
  • Offered (to make the project current)
  • Archived (if you wish the project to remain visible to the public in site searches but is not offered)
  • To un-publish the project, you will need to uncheck the “PUBLISHED” box.  These projects will still be in the database but not be visible to the public.  At any point you can re-publish the project at any time.

Note that the database is public and currently accessible from the front page of the SCS website (http://www.med.monash.edu.au/scs/  under EDUCATION click on “Available research projects”) 

Deadline for submission of projects for printing:  Friday 20th May 2016


To support the promotion of MHTP Research, the following student information sessions are being organised for future BMedSc (Hons), Honours and PhD students.
Having all projects advertised well in advance of these events will assist with course enquiries:

-              Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) information night:       Monday 16th May 2016, 6-8pm,  Central One Foyer and Lecture Theatre, Clayton campus.
-              MHTP BMedSci (Hons) information night:   Tuesday 12th July 2016, 5.30pm at Seminar rooms 1 and 2, TRF at Monash Health Translation Precinct.
                 MHTP Graduate Research Expo (for prospective Hons and PhD students) August 9th 2016 , 5.30pm at Seminar rooms 1 and 2, TRF at Monash Health Translation Precinct.

If you have any questions, please contact Katherine Greenberg (ph 85722595 or Katherine.greenberg@monash.edu or Vithya Premkumar (vithya.premkumar@monash.edu)

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