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Monday, 4 April 2016

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) - Request for Research Proposals

National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) - National Vocational Education and Training Research Program (NVETR) - Request for Research Proposals

NCVER, on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments, seeks experienced researchers to conduct high quality research relevant to the contemporary tertiary education and training environment. Research partnerships appropriate to projects are welcome.

This funding round is seeking proposals under three specific topic areas pertinent to policy and the operations of the vocational education sector identified in NCVER’s Research Prospectus:

1.       Meeting skill demand for the future

2.       New delivery and assessment modes (emerging technology)

3.       Future-proofing the VET workforce

This is a HERDC Category 1 scheme. Funding for research projects is available through a competitive selection process.

NCVER will be funding multiple projects across the topic areas identified. Research projects must be costed appropriately and reasonably according to the methodology proposed and overall size. Research projects of a modest scale (typically under $100,000 excluding GST) are preferred.

Please note: Research funds cannot be used to undertake extensive literature reviews, develop teaching tools or programs, to evaluate courses, to purchase equipment such as computers or to pay for attendance at conferences and overseas trips.

Proposals to be submitted by 5pm Wednesday 13 April 2016.

Instructions for applicants can be obtained from the NCVER Portal at http://www.ncver.edu.au/newsevents/tenders.html or by contacting Tabatha Griffin on (08) 8230 8431 or email funding.round@ncver.edu.au.

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