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Monday, 7 December 2015

$50,000 Metcalf Prizes for Stem Cell Research - NOW OPEN

The National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia (NSCFA) is pleased to advise that applications are now open for the two $50,000 Metcalf Prizes for Stem Cell Research.

The Metcalf Prizes are open to mid-career researchers, five to 10 years past their PhD or MD (research based), working in stem cell research in Australia.

Last year’s winners were Christine Wells of the University of Queensland and Ryan Lister of the University of Western Australia in recognition of their leadership in stem cell research.

Christine has created an online encyclopaedia of detailed scientific information on how our thousands of different genes shape us, which has led to the discovery of a new kind of stem cell.

Ryan has discovered how adult stem cells retain a memory of what they once were. He believes he can make them forget their past lives, so that their history doesn’t limit their new potential.

Applications close Monday 21 March 2016. NSCFA encourage last year’s unsuccessful applicants to apply again this year if they are still eligible.

To apply online, and for a full list of criteria and conditions, head to the Foundation’s website: www.stemcellfoundation.net.au/researchers/metcalf-prizes

If you have any questions about eligibility or the application process, please contact Ellie Michaelides at Science in Public, who are administering the awards for the Foundation: ellie@scienceinpublic.com.au    

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