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Monday, 2 November 2015

NHMRC Standard Equipment Grants for 2015 - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

NHMRC Standard Equipment Grants are now open for application and we have been advised that a sum of $599,485 has been allocated to FMNHS for 2015.  

The NHMRC has clearly defined objectives for awarding Equipment Grant funding, which are:

The need for institutions to be strategic in the purchase of larger items of equipment that will benefit health and medical research in Australia; 
Institutions are encouraged to support equipment that will be used collaboratively; and
Where possible, Australian-made equipment should be purchased.

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences will prioritise applications on the basis of:

1) Alignment with the Monash University Research Strategic Plan, particularly around the provision of advanced infrastructure, and in the context of the platforms, talent enhancement and interdisciplinary research;
2) Opportunity for multiple use;
3) Alignment with the long term investment policy of the Faculty; and
4) Encouragement of innovation.

Further information, including the Application Form (copy attached here), is available at the following site:  http://intranet.monash.edu.au/researchadmin/nhmrc/nhmrc-equipment.html 

Submission Process
All applications should be submitted electronically to the Faculty Research Office (medicine.research@monash.edu) by 5:00PM (AEDT) on Wednesday 18 November 2015.

 Applicants need to submit:
1.       One complete, signed application form via email to medicine.research@monash.edu; and
2.       One Monash Research Office Coversheet, which should be completed and submitted online to MRO; and a printed copy that has been signed by the CIA and Head of Department, scanned and emailed to medicine.research@monash.edu along with your application (as a separate file attachment).
Faculty Research Office (FRO) Contact:
Dr Casilda Black, Manager, Research
Tel: (03) 990 29143     Email: medicine.research@monash.edu

Monash Research Office (MRO) Contact:
Lyn Johannessen, Medical & Health Sciences Team 
Tel: (03) 990 59859     Email: mhs@monash.edu

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