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Monday, 12 October 2015

ARC Industrial Transformation Research Programme (ITRP) - Updated FAQ

This information is for anyone involved in developing proposals for Industrial Transformation Research Hubs (ITRH 2015) or Industrial Transformation Training Centres (ITTC 2016). 

Please be aware that the ARC has updated the Frequently Asked Questions for schemes under the Linkage Programme.  See link for updated document.

The updated document includes one additional FAQ which is relevant for ITRH and ITTC applications. 

6.15 The Selection Criteria for Hubs and Training Centres includes ‘Does the Research Hub/Training Centre demonstrate meaningful engagement with the relevant Industry Growth Centre(s)’. How do I address this criteria in my proposal?
The Industry Growth Centres Initiative as described on the business.gov.au website is the centrepiece of the Government's new industry policy direction and part of the Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda. These Growth Centres have been established to deliver the Initiatives in high-growth sectors within the Industry and Science Portfolio.
To address the Industry Growth Centre selection criteria, in the Project Description part of IH15 and IC16 proposals applicants should identify the appropriate Growth Centre(s) that aligns with the chosen Industrial Transformation Priority(s) for the ITRP project. Applicants should demonstrate that they have engaged with the Centre(s) contact(s) and how this could benefit their IH15 or IC16 project, and assist to drive growth, productivity and competitiveness within key growth sectors.

As you will be aware, proposals for ITRH or ITTC funding may only be submitted where the research addresses one or more of the Industrial Transformation Priorities for the current round, namely: 
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Food and Agribusiness
  • Oil, Gas and Energy Resources
  • Mining Equipment, Technology and Services
  • Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals.

You may also be aware that the Australian Government is funding Industry Growth Centres in each of these areas. 

As noted in FAQ 6.15, applicants must demonstrate that they have engaged with the relevant Growth Centre that aligns with the Industrial Transformation Priority chosen for the ITRH or ITTC proposal. 

For your information, contact details for each of the Growth Centres can be found through these links: 

​All queries should be directed to the ARC Pre-award Team at MRO (arc@monash.edu)

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