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Monday, 7 September 2015

World Suicide Prevention Day Seminar – Self Harm and Mental Health-Related Ambulance Attendances in Australia - Thursday 10th September 2015

Please accept this invitation to attend a seminar presenting findings from Self Harm and Mental Health-Related Ambulance Attendances in Australia.

Time: 12pm – 1pm
Date: Thursday 10th September 2015
Location: Turning Point, 54-62 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy.

Although self harm and mental health are priority areas for development of effective policy and treatment, there is currently a lack of robust, timely data for monitoring these harms at a population level. This presentation will focus on the use of an internationally unique national monitoring system of acute self-harm, overdose and mental health-related ambulance attendances. This data is invaluable in identifying emerging patterns in mental health and suicidal behaviour, including differences across subpopulations or geographic regions, and clustering of harms. Effective and robust monitoring of self harm and mental health harms is necessary to inform prevention and treatment responses, as well as support evaluation of policy initiatives and intervention effectiveness.

This presentation provides an overview and findings from this national project which is undertaken by the Population Health Research team at Turning Point in collaboration with jurisdictional ambulance services, and funded by the Australian Government.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could confirm your attendance, or provide details of an alternative contact who may be interested in attending to Cathie Garrard by Monday 7th September via email cathieg@turningpoint.org.au or phone 03 9412 9959. 

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