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SCS research and awards news

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Monday, 31 August 2015

Translational Research Symposium and Department of Medicine 50th Anniversary- 30 September at AMREP

How do we speed up the basic findings of medical research into clinical practice, without any compromise of research quality? 

You are invited to attend our inaugural Translational Research in Medicine Symposium - an outstanding scientific program featuring leading translational medical researchers from Monash 
University and Melbourne’s premier research institutes.

This day's program features speakers from across the continuum, giving case studies on what has worked best to expedite discovery to application.

The symposium will include the celebration of 50 years since the founding of the Monash University Department of Medicine at the Alfred Hospital. 

The Head of School and the Department of Medicine’s third Head, Professor Stephen Jane invites you to join us in commemorating this milestone, with other past and present members of the Department. The symposium will be followed by drinks and canapés.

Date: Wednesday 30 September 2015
Time: Symposium: 8am for 9am start to 6pm; Drinks and canapés:  6pm to 8pm
Download flier

Alfred Medical Research and Education Precinct Lecture Theatre

Cost: Free but registration essential for catering purposes

Register now For more information on the event visit our website, email Julia Veitch or call 03 9903 0026.

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