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Wednesday 19 June 2019

Imposter Syndrome': A discussion forum for SCS HDR (PhD and Masters) students

'Imposter Syndrome' is a phrase that describes the inappropriate, but common concern of being exposed as a ‘fraud’. It is generally defined as a feeling that we aren’t good enough or deserving of our success, often accompanied by the fear that one day our peers will realise this.

Imposter syndrome is reported by both men and women, particularly those high achieving, creative individuals who are launching into the unknown. This self-doubt can lead to anxiety, inactivity and depression, but can also be used to our advantage.

If you experience similar concerns, or are generally interested in the concept of ‘Imposter Syndrome’, then this forum is for you.

SCS HDR students are invited to attend this informal forum to discuss this phenomenon, and consider whether there are ways we can improve its management, for ourselves and for our colleagues.  Kate Loveland will start off with general definitions and comments, and then open the floor up for an interactive, 'closed shop' discussion.

Imposter Syndrome': A discussion forum for SCS HDR (PhD and Masters) students
Monday, July 1st 3:30pm - 5:00pm, TRF Seminar Room 3  
Light catering will be provided. Attendance capped at 40

RSVP to Dani Busacca (scs.gradresearch@monash.edu) by COB Wed 29 June.

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