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Monday 26 November 2018

MMC Site Alert: Christmas Decoration Guidelines

We are approaching that time of the year when we start thinking about Christmas Decorations.
Guidelines have been designed for your safety, and the safety of your colleagues, patients and visitors, so that we may all enjoy the decorations across the festive season.  The guidelines also consider the impact to our infrastructure within the hospital.

What are the Guidelines for Christmas Decorations at Monash Medical Centre?

·         December 1 is the traditional date upon which decorations may be placed.
·         Refrain from using Blu-Tac adhesive on walls, windows or other building surfaces.
·         Do not use sticky-tape on walls, windows, floors or other building surfaces.
·         Do not push pins or paper-clips into walls or ceilings.
·         Refrain from using products that may mark floor surfaces.
·         Decorations may be placed up to reach height only as ladders may not be used. The Engineering team will not be providing ladders to any areas.
·         Avoid decorations that shed glitter, tinsel or other materials.
·         Place any hanging decorations (eg: streamers)
o   so that fire sprinklers are not hidden or blocked (do not adhere or wrap around sprinklers or sprinkler pipes)
o   above head height to reduce the risk of entanglement.
o   so that glitter or other parts of decorations do not fall to the floor creating a slip hazard
o   away from air conditioning registers ensuring that vents are not blocked
o   to ensure the visibility  of Emergency EXIT and DIRECTIONAL signage
·         Use only materials that will not cause allergic reactions from yourself, your colleagues, patients or visitors.
·         Use only battery operated candles without a real flame.
  • Turn Christmas Tree lights OFF overnight when there are fewer or no people present.
·         Do not mount decorations on or around your computer screens as this creates a fire risk.
·         Arrange for any electrically operated decorations (eg: lights) to be tested and tagged by the Engineering team before use.
·         Place any decorations (including trees) away from any heat sources.
What about my personal safety?
·         Do not stand on desks or chairs to install decorations.
·         Use a safe method to place decorations
·         Do not reach past your centre of balance.
What Hazards should I look for?
·         Be aware of the dangers of electrically operated Christmas Lights. Refer to the Monash Health Safety Alert on this topic to assist in identifying the types of lights that should not be used.
·         Be aware of the potential trip and slip hazards which can be caused by glitter or loose decorations falling to the floor.
·         Be aware of reaching past your centre of balance, causing a fall.
·         Be aware of blocking the view of Emergency Exit and Directional signage.

How do I get more information?
Further information may be obtained from your Site Management team
·         03 959 44727 MMC Site Management
·         Email: MMCSiteManagement@monashhealth.org

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