addition, we are required to regularly report to Faculty on our training
completions across the School.
your information, the OHS training requirements for staff and students can be
found here:
supervisors and managers are required to complete the face-to-face course, ‘Essential
OHS for Supervisors and Managers’, which covers the management of safety
and hazards in the workplace. This course needs to be completed every three
years. The next course has been scheduled for Tuesday 16th December from
09:00 - 12:00 midday in the Surgery Seminar Room. The enrolment for this
course is strictly limited to 20 participants.
will be attending this course and would appreciate seeing as many Heads of
Departments and other senior staff (who are managers and supervisors) also
attend, as the propagation of a culture that values safe work practices
begins at the top!
immediate action is required from you, as Ms Ganeema Tokhi, who is a part-time
OHS Officer for the School and MIMIR-PHI Institute, will contact staff
individually to invite them to attend the course on 16th December.
and students will also be advised in due course as to their other OHS training
you for your support in this important matter.
Professor Eric F Morand
Head, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health
Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health
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