recent review of Post-Graduate studies across the MMC campus identified the
need to unify the management and assessment of HDR students across the
Precinct, especially now that all PhD students in the MIMR-PHI Institute are
now students of SCS. Kate's appointment, along with the establishment of
a supporting committee structure with several Study Area Co-ordinators will
provide a clearly defined structure for overseeing the students across the
coincides with the recent implementation of new Monash University
guidelines regarding the on-going assessment of PhD students, as a result of
which some mandatory coursework and more regular assessment activities
must now be managed. SCS is a partner with the other clinical schools in the
implementation of a Translational Research PhD coursework option, providing our
graduates with additional skills for the highly competitive workforce. Kate
will represent the School and liaise closely with the Monash Institute of
Graduate Studies (MIGS) as part of this portfolio.
hope you will join me in looking forward to working closely with Kate, and in
anticipation, thank you all for your support as we move towards this new
administrative structure.
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