Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Impact of COVID-19 - Survey

Sent on behalf of Professor Eric Morand and Professor Elizabeth Hartland

Dear friends and colleagues,

Today we want you to take a few minutes to help us understand the impact of COVID-19 on your work.

Diabetes Week at Monash - 12 - 18 July 2020

This year for Diabetes Week (12 - 18 July), Monash University is providing a range of programs to support you in your health and wellbeing.

Australia-China Science and Research Fund (ACSRF) Joint Research Centres (JRCs) Round 4

The JRCs are virtual centres that link Australian and Chinese research institutions conducting a range of research-related activities in a specified field of research in order to build research capacity, maximize the application and commercialisation of research outcomes, and boost collaborations between researchers and industry. JRCs enable a concentration of effort and achievement of outcomes beyond those of individual research projects.The maximum grant amount is $1,000,000 and maximum project period is 36 months.

FREE Webinar Panel Discussion Pivoting between academia and industry 11 August

Date:  Tuesday 11 August 2020
Time:  1:00pm - 2:00pm

This session will be of interest to all Early Career Academics and PhD students.

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited– COCKPI-T® Funding 2020

In order to accelerate open innovation activities, Takeda leads an open grant competition program COCKPI-T® (Co-Create Knowledge for Pharma Innovation Takeda) where Takeda invites innovative research proposals corresponding to nominated Areas of Interest from researchers/companies and support them financially to confirm their research concepts.


The Faculty is pleased to announce the launch of a new Faculty-wide Research Mentoring Program. This Mentoring program will give our level B and C academics an opportunity to be mentored by a level D or E academic from outside their immediate discipline and we hope it will complement any mentoring programs currently run at the school level. Mentee's may also select a preference for gender and type of mentor (e.g. Clinical) to ensure they get the most out of the program.

Congratulations to Associate Professor Julie Brimblecombe on her recent NHMRC grant success

A/Prof Julie Brimblecombe
Congratulations to Associate Professor Julie Brimblecombe, Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food,  on receiving a NHMRC grant of $1,508,144 for her research, "Evaluation of a community-led nutrition and lifestyle program for weight loss and metabolic health: a randomised controlled trial".

Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. – MOIRe (Mochida Open Innovation Research)

Mochida Pharmaceutical is a smaller listed Japanese pharma company. This is the first time Mochida has explored project opportunities in Australia. "Mochida has implemented “MOIRe”, an open innovation program for drug discovery based on proposals from academic researchers since 2019 in Japan. From this year, Mochida welcomes applications from overseas researchers with a great interest in connecting drug discovery seeds to pharmaceutical development for collaborative research."

ARC Survey Streamlining the Application Form

Last year, the Australian Research Council (ARC) implemented a number of changes to streamline National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) application forms based on feedback received about previous years’ forms and through consultation.

MRFF Coronavirus Research Response Grant Opportunities

1) 2020 COVID-19 Mental Health Research Grant Opportunity
The application due date for this grant opportunity is 13 July 2020
Minimum data due on 1 July 2020.
For internal deadlines please see this opportunity on the MRO intranet
Grants now due for compliance checking.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Blood test can guide treatment for most aggressive prostate cancer

Heidi Fettke
School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) researcher Heidi Fettke and A/Prof Arun Azad from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, in collaboration with Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, have developed a simple blood test that can show which men with the most aggressive type of prostate cancer should respond to conventional therapy, and those who need other options.