Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Congratulations to Abul Hasnat on receiving the Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF) Travel Award

Congratulations to Abul Hasnat on receiving the Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF) Travel Award for his work entitled “Role of myeloid cell autophagy in a mouse model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)”.  This prestigious award is sponsored by the ANRF to advance research in the areas of arthritis, lupus, and general autoimmunity.


Make a News Years resolution: think LabArchives!

Don’t have one yet ?  Not sure how to use it to your best advantage?

2020 is the year to resolve this.

We are calling for expressions of interest to hold a LabArchives training session in the second half of January.

Mental Health First Aid and self-care over the holiday season

If you need Mental Health First Aid and self-care over the holiday season, phone counselling is open 24/7.  This confidential, free service is available for all staff and students.  Please see contact numbers below:
  • Students: 1300 STUDENT (1300 788 336)
  • Staff: 1300 360 364 

MRFF- Frontier Health Stage 1 grants in 2020 - What's changed?

Guidelines for the upcoming round of Frontier Health Stage 1is available on:  
(This funding opportunity is still not yet on Grant Connect).

The guidelines are still very broad in regards to what type of program could be submitted for consideration.

Some changes to note:

A few reminders before you leave the office and lab for 2019

The last day of operations for the University is Friday 20th December 2019, with the University re-opening on Thursday 2nd January 2020.

A few reminders before you leave the office and lab for 2019:

MRFF - More Grants opening

More MRFF grants are opening soon.
  1. MRFF Frontier - Stage 1 funding applications (Cohort 2)Due to open 30 Jan and Close 26 March 2020.

FMNHS Platform Access Grants 2020 (PAG 2020) - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (FMNHS)  is pleased to announce a call for applications to the Platform Access Grants (PAG) scheme for funding commencing in 2020 (PAG 2020).

Travel program update

Message from Christopher Raduly, Category Manager, Travel

As you may be aware, we launched a new travel management program with Corporate Travel Management (CTM) at the end of last year. Over the last 12-months, we’ve been working with the CTM team to optimise and refine their system and tools to provide an optimal user experience.  We have been receiving your feedback and recognise that there are further improvements to be made to the travel program.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

MHTP success in latest NHMRC funding announcement

Professor Michael Hickey
The MHTP Precinct has received over $35 million to lead 22 research projects in the latest National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funding announcement.

2019 - 2020 University closedown dates

The 2019-2020 University closedown dates are as follows;

Summer Series SWAP classes are now open!

Monash Wellbeing and Monash Sport are offering a new Summer Series SWAP commencing in January 2020!

“Let’s talk about sex”…

Monash University is again running a two day introductory course in Sexual Medicine and Therapy, to be held on 14th and 15th February 2020.

Midsumma Pride March 2020

March with us at the 25th Midsumma Pride March! All Monash students and staff are invited to join the march on Sunday 2 February 2020.

Dr Ayse Zengin awarded grant for Indigenous Bone and Muscle Ageing

Dr Ayse Zengin from the Bone and Muscle Health Research Group is the recipient of the ‘Amgen-Osteoporosis Australia-Australia & New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Clinical Grants Program.’

SCS farewells Professor David Kissane

Professor David Kissane AC and
Professor Eric Morand
Emeritus Professor David Kissane AC has been honoured at a dinner held on Monday, 18 November 2019 to mark his retirement, and acknowledge and celebrate his service to Monash University and his profession.


Each year the Victorian Universities run a combined Expression of Interest (EOI) process for the ARC LIEF scheme to strengthen the competitiveness of submissions and eliminate duplication of applications for similar infrastructure/equipment.

Positions vacant

The following positions are currently being recruited for:

Free week in the gym!

Healthwise Fitness at Monash Health is offering a free week of classes from Monday 16 through to Friday 20 December.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Number of caesarean twin deliveries triples

Professor Euan Wallace
The proportion of twins born by caesarean delivery in Victoria, Australia increased threefold, from 24 percent to 71 percent of all twin births, during 1983–2015, despite high-level evidence that routine caesarean delivery of twins does not benefit mothers or babies, according to the authors of research published online by the Medical Journal of Australia.

MRFF- Million Minds - Suicide Prevention

Up to $8M is available over 4 years to support research into interventions that aim to reduce the rate of suicide in Australia, and will contribute to the evidence base around what works to reduce suicide in Australia.

Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Needs Grant Opportunities - MRO Guidance and Checklist

Please see here the MRO Guidance and Checklist for the MRFF Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Needs Initiative, which includes the grant opportunities

ARC Discovery Indigenous Projects (IN21)

The ARC's Discovery Indigenous (IN21) is now OPEN. The Discovery Indigenous scheme provides grant funding to support research projects led by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researcher.

ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility information session

The MRO is pleased to offer an upcoming interactive session for prospective ARC applicants on the subject of the ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility:

Monash Research Office - One on One Researcher Information Sessions

With the ARC Major Round on the horizon, you may have questions regarding eligibility, staying clear of the Medical Research Policy, how best to address the selection criteria, or you may need a clarification of the Funding Rules as relevant to your particular scenario.

MRFF - Ovarian Cancer Research Grant

Emerging Priorities and Consumer Driven Research Initiative, National Women's Health Strategy 2019 Ovarian Cancer Research Grant.

Indigenous Curriculum Working Group receive VC Award

Indigenous Curriculum Working Group
Congratulations to the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food's Indigenous Curriculum Working Group who received a VC Award for Teaching Excellence at the Vice-Chancellor’s Education Excellence and Research Awards held last week.

Last chance to register for SCS end-of-year celebration!

This is your last chance to register for the SCS end-of-year celebration being held on Thursday, 19 December at the Sandringham Yacht Club.

MRFF National Critical Infrastructure Initiative - Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Infrastructure Grant

New and innovative approaches to enhancing and improving clinical trial infrastructure (including facilities, research equipment, systems and services) - by extending existing or providing new clinical trials into rural, regional and remote areas - holds the potential to address many of the existing barriers, such as distance, geographical isolation and workforce capacity.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Lifetime achievement award for reproductive health research

Women’s reproductive health expert Professor Lois Salamonsen has been awarded a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, acknowledging her extensive contributions to human health and wellbeing. Read the full story here.

Call for Nominations: FMNHS OHS Committee Representative Membership 2020-2022

The current membership term of the Faculty OHS committee ceases at the end of 2019. The Faculty is therefore seeking nominations for representation on the OHS Committee for the next three years (2020 -2022). Previous committee members are eligible to apply.

Important end-of-year HR dates

Please refer to the flyer for important end-of-year HR dates covering payroll submissions & payments, the advertising of positions, ESS timesheets, and the issuing of contracts.

SCS Health and Wellbeing Survey

Monash University offers Health And Wellbeing services, programs and resources to keep us healthy in mind and body. At SCS, we can have these programs held on-site at MMC-MHTP, provided we meet the minimum staff participation numbers.

Summary of open calls for the Summer of MRFF Grants

We are gearing up for a busy Summer of Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Grant Opportunities!

ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility

The MRO is pleased to offer an upcoming interactive session for prospective ARC applicants on the subject of the ARC Medical Research Policy & Eligibility.

MRFF - Pharmacogenomics research to improve mental health care

In recent months we have seen many delays in the MRFF. This is to update you on the recently announced $7M grant round for ground-breaking research into the use of Pharmacogenomics to improve mental health treatment outcomes and help reduce suicide.

Upcoming supervisor training

Do you have supervisors looking for training that will help them to better communicate with their students, or do you have academics new to your department that need to be accredited?

Success for SCS and Monash Health ED staff at ACEM

Congratulations to SCS and Monash Health ED staff on their recent successes at the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Annual Scientific Meeting held in Hobart from 17-21 November.

Using simulation to improve outcomes for babies in Myanmar

A Monash University researcher has used simulation to teach local Myanmar surgeons how to treat a common yet life-threatening condition affecting babies.

ARC DECRA 2021 (DE21) Faculty Resources and Internal Processes

The Faculty Research Office (FRO) has launched a new online resource for FMNHS ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher (DECRA) fellowship applicants to provide you with up-to-date advice and information to help you prepare your application.

Addendum to MRFF Reproductive Cancer Clinical Trial guidelines

Futher to last week's notice on the MRFF Clinical Trials, please note that the Reproductive Cancer Clinical Trial guidelines does not include prostate cancer.

FMNHS Staff Induction Handbook

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences has developed a Staff Induction Handbook for new academic and professional staff which contains a wealth of general information to help make the transition to Monash a little easier.

Survey: Increasing women's participation in Australian Research Council (ARC) grant processes

The ARC is seeking input into their proposals to increase the participation of women in ARC-funded research. 

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Ian Potter Foundation Medial Research EOI

The Ian Potter Foundation Medical Research funding round is now open.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Monash researchers identify attainable treatment target for lupus patients

Dr Vera Golder 
For the first time, Monash researchers have identified an attainable treatment target for systemic lupus erythematosus – also known as SLE or lupus – called Lupus Low Disease Activity State (LLDAS), which has shown to be associated with a significant reduction in irreversible end organ damage – a factor that contributes to premature death in patients.

Reminder to register: MHTP ECR Speed Networking Event

All ECRs are invited to attend the annual MHTP ECR Speed Networking Event. Attendees will be eligible to apply for the inaugural 'Andrew Ramsden MHTP ECR Collaborative Award'.

'Accelerating Innovation Worldwide' with Johnson & Johnson's Dr Paul Stoffels M.D.

The Johnson and Johnson Innovation Partnering Office invites you to this free event on 'Accelerating Innovation Worldwide'. The event is suited to anyone with an interest in the broader lifesciences ecosystem, with the keynote presentation by Dr Paul Stoffels M.D., Vice Chair, Executive Committee and Chief Scientific Officer, Johnson & Johnson.

Ditch the waste

There are many ways you can contribute to minimising waste and your impact on the environment. But are you doing your bit to 'ditch the waste'?

Sensory Scientific Exhibition

We're opening the world of cancer research to the blind and low vision community with the Sensory Scientific Exhibition and Discovery Day on Friday, 6 December at the Monash Univerity, Clayton campus. We'll have 3D tactile displays, hands-on activities and more! Follow the link for more information and to register.

Now Open in RMS - ARC Discovery Projects (DP21)

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has opened the 2021 Discovery Projects (DP21) round in RMS.

SCS OHS committee - call for agenda items

The next SCS OHS committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 December 2019. Please send any items for discussion to Meeting minutes are available on the intranet here.

MRFF Clinical Trial opportunities NOW OPEN

Four rounds of MRFF clinical trials under the Rare Cancers, Rare Diseases and Unmet Need Grant Opportunity are NOW open via the NHMRC.

ARC FT20: Eligibility and Compliance check reminder

As the ARC deadline, 27 November, draws closer, we want to be sure that you are making progress on your applications and following the mandatory MRO submission processes.


NHMRC Equipment Grants are now open for application in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (FMNHS).  These funds are to be used for equipment purchased in 2019 or 2020, but must be fully expended by the end of December 2020.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Dr Joshua Ooi awarded 2019 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grant

Dr Joshua Ooi from the Centre for Inflammatory Diseases has been awarded a 2019 Ramaciotti Health Investment Grant for his research into targeted regulatory cell based therapy to treat lupus.

Celine Latouche joins MNHS as BDM

Welcome to Celine Latouche who has joined the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences as Business Development Manager (BDM) and will be based at SCS approximately four days a week.

Monash hosts inaugural symposium on Cardiovascular Health

The inaugural Monash Symposium on Cardiovascular Health was a great success last week. The two-day Symposium was the first step in bringing together the cardiovascular research community across Monash University.

MRFF Update on Open and Forecast Calls

An update from the MRFF on open and forecast calls is now available. If you are interested please contact

Psychiatric Genetics workshop

This workshop is designed to showcase the value in using genetic tools to understand the biology of many psychiatric disorders.

Join our study in January: Bone Density, Muscle Quality and Body Composition

The Bone and Muscle Research Group is searching for research participants for a scanning precision study. The study involves a once-off visit to Monash Medical Centre in Clayton.

CLOSING SOON - MRO Support for NHMRC/MRFF Investigator Grant Applications (for funding commencing 2021)

The MRO Support for NHMRC/MRFF Investigator Grant Applications (for funding commencing 2021) is closing on Wednesday, 27 November 2019. For further information please refer to the eNews blog post here.

Cancelled: Biostatistics and bioinformatics session - 15 November

The biostatistics and bioinformatics guidance session scheduled for this Friday, 15 November has been cancelled.

Advancing Women's Research Success Grant 2020

We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2020 Advancing Women's Research Success Grant. This flagship gender equity program supports the career progression of early-mid career high potential academic women with care-giving responsibilities.

UPDATE on expected grant dates for MRFF Medicinal Cannabis for pain in cancer patients

Further to the SCS eNews post on Wednesday, 9 October, the latest information on dates for this grant are as follows:

BMTH round 3 applications now open

Round 3 of the BioMedTech Horizons program is now open for applications. The program is focused on medical devices and digital health in certain therapeutic areas. The deadline for EOIs is this Friday, 15 November. For further information, please visit the website or contact Celine Latouche at

Upcoming Grant-writing Program for Women - EOI APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

Staff Equity & Diversity at Monash HR are hosting an upcoming grant-writing series for early-mid career female researchers. This program is one way Monash is supporting women's careers and ultimately aims to address the gender disparity in senior academic roles. 

SCS Early Career Research Practitioner Fellowship Scheme - applications closing soon!

Applications are now open for the SCS Early-Career Clinical Practitioner Fellowship scheme. The successful candidate will be appointed up to 0.5 FTE, Academic Level B.

Introducing iLab for SCS laboratory management

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health is launching its new iLab site. The SCS iLab site is the one-stop-shop for requesting laboratory OHS inductions, training, and equipment or facilities maintenance.