Thursday, 9 April 2020

News from the Faculty Graduate Research Office

As discussed at the Faculty zoom meeting, and as communicated in the COVID-19: Research staff and students  - The Faculty’s preferred mode of conducting milestone reviews is via ZOOM.

In order to assist you in this process, the Faculty has created specific guidelines (see attached) to support you in using the Zoom facility and to ensure the format of the milestone review is followed. In particular, please refer to the suggested guidelines on how to maintain confidentiality when the panel meets independently with the supervisor/s  and student.

** SCS experiences have been good;  make sure the supervisors and students are confirmed to logout when they are required to leave the meeting, to preserve confidentiality.***

Please note, these Zoom guidelines are to be read in conjunction with the Faculty's Checklist Guide for Panel Chairs of Milestone Reviews which mirrors the SCS instructions.

Additional ZOOM resources are available here:

The Monash Graduate Research Office counter is currently closed until further notice.
For those located within Australia, applicants can email their enrolment documents to, noting the enrolment is unable to commence without these documents.

The sighting of original or certified documents is still compulsory. Therefore, once students have commenced enrolment via email, they will be required to present the original or certified documents in person when the MGRO counter re-opens. The team will communicate with students to finalise this step when on campus studies resume.

Unfortunately, for those located outside of Australia with an internal on-campus offer, we are unable to enrol them until such time they are in Australia.

Progress Management
A reminder that there is flexibility for Milestones to be conducted via skype/zoom, if feasible.

Whilst the normal provisions for milestone extensions apply, if the research has been delayed due to COVID-19, we recommend the students keep a record of dates and reasons which affected their ability to undertake their research during this time.

If you have any questions please contact the team at

Monash Doctoral Program / myDevelopment
myDevelopment Administrator training
Staff who require administrator access to myDevelopment to manage graduate research student inductions or professional development are invited to register for the next training session. Note this training session will be conducted via webinar.

Please email your interest to

  • MGRS: myDevelopment Administrator Access Training (Editing) 
  • Thursday, 16 April 2020 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Supervisor Professional Development
We request all faculty administrators to forward the following advice to your faculty academics.  

With the current climate, it is with regret that we advise we are unable to facilitate any workshops for supervisors at Monash until further notice. 

We are considering alternative options for ensuring Supervisors do not miss out on development opportunities. We will advise you of any new online content when available via our regular newsletters. 

While the face to face workshops are unavailable, we do have some excellent online training available via myDevelopment. We encourage you to consider completing these online modules to ensure you have continued professional development training opportunities in a safe environment. 

To access online training available for supervisors, please type ‘GRS online’ in the search bar of your myDevelopment home page.

Supervisor Accreditation applications in the current climate
We will be processing all applications for accreditation as business as usual. 

With the cancellation of the workshops in Semester 1, some academics may not be able to meet the training requirements for accreditation. 

If the training element is the only requirement pending for you to apply for accreditation, then please liaise with your Faculty Graduate Research Office (FGRO) to submit an application.

In your application, please advise that you will complete the face to face workshop when it becomes available. 

With support from your Faculty ADGR, we will be able to process a conditional accreditation to enable you to take on students.

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