Thursday, 2 April 2020

Attention: SCS HDR Students

We are very sympathetic to the current situation that you face as graduate research students within the Faculty. This is a difficult time for all of us, with a lot of uncertainty. Although we don’t have all the answers, we are here to listen and try to answer as many concerns as we can.

We are also attending regular meetings with our central areas and any questions we cannot answer will be managed up to them for a response.

Because we have a significant number of students across our different schools/institutes, we invite you to attend the zoom meeting scheduled for:

Date: Friday, 3 April 2020
Time: 2.00pm-3.00pm and enter meeting ID: 752 548 547
Or Dial: +61 3 99059666

This will be an information sharing session, with question and answer. We have also invited your school graduate research coordinators/administrators to attend.

Please note, the zoom meeting is likely to have a significant number of students calling in. As such, please use the following guide to help us manage the meeting and keep the link stable:
- Log onto the zoom link
- Turn off your video
- Mute your microphone

If you wish to ask a question:
- click on “manage participants” (bottom of the zoom screen)
- use the “raise hand function” or
- type in a question or comment using the chat option

We have held a number of large zoom meeting across the faculty in recent weeks and find this is the best way to manage large cohorts.

We hope that you can attend the meeting and we look forward to supporting you as best as we can. 

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