Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Congratulations to Abul Hasnat on receiving the Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF) Travel Award

Congratulations to Abul Hasnat on receiving the Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF) Travel Award for his work entitled “Role of myeloid cell autophagy in a mouse model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)”.  This prestigious award is sponsored by the ANRF to advance research in the areas of arthritis, lupus, and general autoimmunity.


Make a News Years resolution: think LabArchives!

Don’t have one yet ?  Not sure how to use it to your best advantage?

2020 is the year to resolve this.

We are calling for expressions of interest to hold a LabArchives training session in the second half of January.

Mental Health First Aid and self-care over the holiday season

If you need Mental Health First Aid and self-care over the holiday season, phone counselling is open 24/7.  This confidential, free service is available for all staff and students.  Please see contact numbers below:
  • Students: 1300 STUDENT (1300 788 336)
  • Staff: 1300 360 364 

MRFF- Frontier Health Stage 1 grants in 2020 - What's changed?

Guidelines for the upcoming round of Frontier Health Stage 1is available on:  
(This funding opportunity is still not yet on Grant Connect).

The guidelines are still very broad in regards to what type of program could be submitted for consideration.

Some changes to note:

A few reminders before you leave the office and lab for 2019

The last day of operations for the University is Friday 20th December 2019, with the University re-opening on Thursday 2nd January 2020.

A few reminders before you leave the office and lab for 2019:

MRFF - More Grants opening

More MRFF grants are opening soon.
  1. MRFF Frontier - Stage 1 funding applications (Cohort 2)Due to open 30 Jan and Close 26 March 2020.

FMNHS Platform Access Grants 2020 (PAG 2020) - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

The Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (FMNHS)  is pleased to announce a call for applications to the Platform Access Grants (PAG) scheme for funding commencing in 2020 (PAG 2020).

Travel program update

Message from Christopher Raduly, Category Manager, Travel

As you may be aware, we launched a new travel management program with Corporate Travel Management (CTM) at the end of last year. Over the last 12-months, we’ve been working with the CTM team to optimise and refine their system and tools to provide an optimal user experience.  We have been receiving your feedback and recognise that there are further improvements to be made to the travel program.