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SCS research and awards news

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Monday, 20 June 2016

Professor Robert McLachlan recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours

Renowned endocrinologist, researcher and men’s health advocate, Professor Robert McLachlan has been made a Member of the Order of Australia in the 2016 Queen’s Birthday Honours.
Professor McLachlan was honoured for his service to medicine in the field of endocrinology, particularly to men’s reproductive health, and to medical research.
Professor McLachlan is a physician-scientist who has made significant contributions to translational research in men’s reproductive health since he commenced at Prince Henry’s Institute in 1983. He is also a leading advocate for men’s health on the national stage.
Professor McLachlan has a long history of linking basic research on male fertility regulation to clinical outcomes. This research resulted in major contributions to methods of evaluating spermatogenesis, its endocrine regulation and to developing male hormonal contraception.
Read more here.

MHTP Research Week - change of date to 21-25 November 2016

Department of Medicine 3MT Competition, TODAY

The Department of Medicine will be running its 3 Minute Thesis Competition on 21st June 2016 to determine the finalists to go through to the School of Clinical Sciences 3 Minute Thesis Competition in August. 

The Competition will be held at 11:00am-1:00pm on Tuesday 21 June, in the TRF seminar rooms (ground floor).  Lunch will be provided after the event.  Prize winners (including a People's Choice award) will be announced and presented with their prizes during lunch.

All Department of Medicine staff and students are expected to attend to support our students. This is also a fantastic opportunity to hear about the breadth of research in our Department.

CiiiD seminar "The role of type I IFN receptors in regulating inflammation in vivo", 21 June

Dr Michelle Tate will be speaking at today''s CiiiD seminar on the The role of type I IFN receptors in regulating inflammation in vivo.

The session will be chaired by Dr Virginie Deswaerte and held at 1pm in Seminar Room 1 of TRF.

Hudson Seminar “Unravelling the effects of intrauterine inflammation on lung development”- 24 June

Friday 24 June, 12-1 pm, Lecture Theatre 1, Monash Medical Centre. 

Speaker: Associate Professor Tim Moss, Deputy Director, The Ritchie Centre,
Research Group Head, Perinatal Inflammation
NHMRC Senior Research Fellow

Associate Professor Tim Moss is a developmental physiologist and expert in perinatology. He received his PhD from Monash University in 1999, before establishing the Women and Infants Research Foundation Perinatal Research Laboratories at the University of Western Australia as a leading international centre for perinatal research. He returned to Monash in 2007 and joined the Ritchie Centre at the Hudson Institute in 2010.

Tim’s research is focussed on understanding how exposure to infection or inflammation in utero alters development of the fetus to affect health after birth. His group is also investigating ways to treat or prevent inflammation and its effects on newborns.
Tim is a leader in perinatology. He is a Board Member of the international Fetal and Neonatal Physiological Society and occupies senior positions in the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Light refreshments to follow presentation outside the Lecture Theatre.

State of the Art Lecture - Haematology Unit - 22/06/2016 - Myeloma: A Cook’s tour and the role of minimal residual disease assessment

Unit:                Haematology Unit
Topic:              Myeloma: A Cook’s tour and the role of minimal residual disease assessment
Presenter:      Dr George Grigoriadis
Date:               Wednesday 22 June 2016
Time:               12.30pm to 1.30pm

Venue:            Main Lecture Theatre, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton.

Bone histology seminar, “Why and Why Not of Hard Tissue Histology”, 23 June

MHP-MHTP Histology node is hosting a seminar on “Why and Why Not of Hard Tissue Histology” on June 23rd, 9.00 – 12 noon (TRF Seminar Room 3).

Jack Ratliff (Franklin, Tennessee) is presenting an overview on various histological methods used for bone and biomedical implants in bone disease. Primary bone disease such as osteoporosis and arthritis have major impacts on our communities.

Jack runs a Histology consultancy in Franklin and has 19 years’ experience in Histology specializing in resin applications for the histological analysis of bone, biomaterials and medical device implants in musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, periodontal and cardiovascular research.

If you have an interest in bone Histology please join us on Thursday, RSVP to Angela Vais (angela.vais@monash.edu) by Wednesday 22nd for catering purposes.

Invitation to join Sports and Exercise Medicine Students’ Association (SEMSA)

Sports and Exercise Medicine Students’ Association (SEMSA) is a multidisciplinary health students’ organisation aiming to facilitate education and career development in the field of sports and exercise medicine (SEM).
Our association was founded in March 2016 by a like-minded group of students studying medicine and allied health degrees, who saw the need for an organisation that exposed students to SEM and provided opportunities for personal development within this field.
SEMSA aims to promote SEM as a speciality field not only dealing with management of acute or chronic exercise related injuries, but also promotion of health through increased use of exercise and physical activity. We will hold multiple events during the year including lectures and skills-based workshops. Our launch event titled ‘A Career in SEM’ is due to be held on August 24th with keynote speaker Peter Brukner alongside other SEM professionals. This event will be for registered members only!
We will initially be a club representing students from Victorian universities studying medicine and allied health degrees, a pool of over ten thousand students, and will aim to expand to become a national committee with state subcommittees within three years.

Our team is very excited to see a club dedicated to SEM launched across Victoria and Australia. We hope that it will encourage students to understand the importance of the SEM field and to think about SEM as a career! If you would like to register, contact us at www.semsa.org.au/register or via facebook or twitter (@semsa_vic).

MIME Medtech Industry Innovators Showcase Day - Thurs 23 June

Call for PhD posters.   The MIME Medtech Industry Innovators Showcase Day on Thursday 23 June 2016 is part of our series of forums to bring together clinicians, researchers and industry leaders at the forefront of medtech product innovation, to explore new opportunities for collaboration.  As part of this event MIME will also be holding a poster session for PhD students and ECR.  To participate in the poster session PhD students and ECR will need to respond to susan.newland@monash.edu expressing their interest in participating in the poster session with the following details: 
  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Email address 
  • Faculty and department
  • Topic of their poster
  • Supervisors details
 Prizes will be awarded to the two best posters.

Further details about the free, full-day event including the final program can be found on the MIME website at http://www.monash.edu/mime/events/index.html

"What you can do with a PhD" careers workshop 23 June

See program here.

Professional development opportunity: public engagement masterclass, 12 July

Communicating your research is a challenging task in the increasingly noisy marketplace for ideas.

The Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education has partnered with The Conversation to run a public engagement masterclass.

The class will be headed by Liz Minchin, Senior Editor of The ConversationThe Conversation achieves an average audience of 35 million article views a month through affiliated sites and via global republication in news outlets.

In small groups, participants will pick up practical tips and skills to apply towards 
· how to put your audience first; 
· how to get better at strategically identifying a target audience, such as politicians, other potential new funders, or the general public; and 
· how to get better at adapting your language and story to your target audience.

Monash staff are entitled to a reduced registration fee as the University is a founding partner of The Conversation. More information can be found in the attached flyer here.

A complete list of all University ECR events can be found here http://intranet.monash.edu.au/research/ecr/events/index.html

Research Assistant - Human T lymphocyte / CAR-T cells: Cartherics Pty Ltd

Cartherics is seeking a Research Assistant to help assist with the technology (primarily tissue culture and flow cytometry) underpinning  its very active research program in Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) -T based immunotherapies. CAR-T cells have rapidly evolved as a revolution in anti-cancer treatments.

Cartherics has two fundamental T cell based platforms. The first is to expand in tissue culture conditions, sufficient numbers of human blood T cells having a T cell receptor (TCR) specific for a particular cancer antigen. Their function will be initially tested by in vitro cell cytotoxicity assays. These will then be infused into patients bearing that cancer, in a Phase I trial to demonstrate both safety and also any potential anti-cancer efficacy. If successful these cells can then be genetically engineered to express additional CAR’s encompassing antibodies to other cancer antigens to enhance their killing efficacy. The second platform is to use induced pluripotential stem cells (iPSC) to embed a TCR specificity. These T-iPSC will then be transfected with specific CAR’s encoded within viral vectors, and induced to differentiate into cytotoxic T cells.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia

The Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) is a newly established health research institute within James Cook University, Australia. AITHM’s focus is on research in tropical health and medicine across a wide range of disciplines.

An opportunity exists for a postdoctoral position in the molecular immunology of infectious and chronic diseases, including malaria.

myResearch Transition Timetable - Updated Information

The myResearch transition timetable has been updated with information on key dates associated with transition arrangements for Monash Research Office (MRO) Coversheet and Human Ethics Applications.

MRO Coversheet
Friday 1 July - Monday 11 July 2016 (inclusive)
Researchers should continue to use the existing MRO coversheets for applications being submitted between 1-11 July.  This includes the existing process of obtaining signatures and forwarding the completed and signed coversheet to the MRO.  
MRO staff will then enter these details into Pure once it goes live on 12 July.

From 12 July, the MRO coversheet will no longer be available and all researchers are required to enter their application details via the ‘Create an application’ process in Pure.

Human Ethics Applications 
Thursday 7 July - Monday 11 July (inclusive)
The last day for accepting new applications on the current PDF forms is Wednesday 6 July 2016.   Please note that the MRO can only accept a maximum of 20 HREC Review applications for meeting C4/2016. Applications will be processed in order of receipt and those received after the maximum number will be asked to resubmit in ERM after 12 July.  

Projects under review prior to 6 July 2016 will be finalised using the current process.

No new applications will be accepted during the period 7-11 July, as the MRO prepare for the release of the new application form in Ethics Review Manager (ERM) on 12 July.

Please note: The questions on the new form are almost identical to the questions on the current PDF forms, so the PDF form can be used for planning purposes. The information can then be copied into the new form when that is available from 12 July.

Amendments, progress reports and any other correspondence relating to existing approved projects will continue to be processed using the PDF forms, until the existing projects are able to be imported into ERM.

Importing existing projects into ERM is planned for the second half of this year and researchers will be informed when they can access their projects in ERM.

For further information or queries, please contact myresearch@monash.edu.

Monash Human Ethics Update - myResearch Transition Dates

The next phase of myResearch will go live on 12 July 2016 with the release of application forms for human ethics in Infonetica Ethics Review Manager (ERM).  The system will initially be used for submitting new applications only. 

New applications
-        To assist researchers with planning their applications, please note the dates below:

Wednesday 6 July

Last day for accepting new applications on the current PDF forms.
Please note that we can only accept a maximum of 20 HREC Review applications for meeting C4/2016. Applications will be processed in order of receipt and those received after the maximum number will be asked to resubmit in ERM after the 12th of July.  
Thursday 7 July – Monday 11 July  (inclusive)

No new applications will be accepted, as we prepare for the release of the new form in ERM.
12 July 2016 onwards

All new human ethics applications must be submitted in ERM. PDF forms will no longer be accepted for new applications.

-        The questions on the new form are almost identical to the questions on the current PDF forms, so the PDF form can be used for planning purposes if you wish. The information can then be copied into the new form when that is available.

Projects currently under review:
-        Projects under review prior to 6 July 2016 will be finalised using the current process.

Existing approved projects:
-        Amendments, progress reports and any other correspondence relating to existing approved projects will continue to be processed using the PDF forms, until the existing projects are able to be imported into ERM. 
-        Importing existing projects into ERM is planned for the second half of this year and researchers will be informed when they can access their projects in ERM.

Please direct queries to Souheir Houssami by email muhrec@monash.edu
​ or ​phone (03) 990 52052.

Summer Research Scholarships - Round 1 - Advertising projects

The online submission form for advertising your Round 1 Summer projects is now open and closes Tuesday 5 July (5pm). If you have never submitted a project before and would like to for this period, please email me your authcate username so I give you access to the form.  If you already have access you can begin to enter your project details at the following link:

Advertising NEW projects 
Projects submitted on this form will be automatically deployed to the website and available for students to view once applications open. Once you submit a project, you will be given the option to view the project on the scholarships website 
·         Follow the instructions
For re-advertising projects from a previous round
If you have already submitted projects over previous rounds and want to re-advertise the same project, there is no need to re-enter all the details.
·         Once you log in, select “Manage your submitted research projects”. Your previous projects will all be listed. 
·         Select the project you wish to re-advertise.
·         Make any changes (if necessary)
·         Scroll to the bottom of the form and you will see the following statement:   This project was used in a previous round. Saving changes to this form will republish this project for applications opening: Monday 11 July 2016.
·         Select “Save changes” 
The website for the listing of projects available will also be live from Monday 11 July 2016 and will accessible at:

Students will be able to view and apply for all projects from Monday 11 July until Friday 29 July (5pm).
Once students submit an application they will be sent an email with a summary of their application including the 3 preferences that they have chosen.

Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 2016

On 30 October 2016, or on an earlier proclaimed date, the Narcotic Drugs Amendment Act 2016 (Cth) will come into full effect.  The amendment Act will provide a legislative framework for the cultivation, manufacture and use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. 
Specifically, the Bill would:-

(a) ensure that any therapeutic product, including medicinal cannabis, meets Australia's strict international obligations safe-guarding its production, manufacture and distribution for medical and scientific purposes only;
(b) establish a licensing scheme for the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal and related scientific purposes;
(c) update existing manufacturing provisions to mirror the cannabis licence provisions;
(d) confer decision-making powers on the relevant Secretary so that an internal review provision, undertaken by the relevant Minister, can be facilitated; and
(e) make other and related amendments.

Dr Simon Barrett, Manager, Research Ethics & Compliance has indicated that your areas may be involved, (or could be involved in the future) in research relating to the manufacture/trial of use of cannabis for medical purposes.

The Risk and Compliance Unit would be interested to discuss your involvement in such research and determine how this Amendment to the Narcotic Drugs Act applies to your area, if at all.

Kevin Sweeney and/or Tina Valentine would be happy to catch up by phone or meet at a time convenient with you.  Alternately, if there is no research currently being conducted which is impacted by the Amendment Act, nor is it likely in the future, please respond accordingly by email to tina.valentine@monash.edu.

For further information, please contact Tina Valentine, Risk and Compliance Adviser, Risk and Compliance Unit by email to tina.valentine@monash.edu or phone (03) 990 56847.

veski: 2016 Victoria Prize for Science & Innovation and Victoria Fellowships - FINAL CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

A reminder that t​he Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, the Hon Philip Dalidakis, has opened two of Victoria’s most prestigious science and innovation programs in the life and physical sciences.

Applications and nominations must be received by 2.00pm on Thursday 23 June 2016 via the veski website.

Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation - Call for Applications to the 2016 Funding Round

The Avner Foundation Grants Committee ​has announce​d​ that the​  Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation is making available $2M in grant funding in the form of two types of grants:

Accelerator Grants
Grants of up to $500,000 (GST exclusive) per annum are being made available for two to three years duration (a maximum of $1.6M over the next 3 years) to support specific projects and/or infrastructure for research into pancreatic cancer.
The objective of the Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Accelerator Grants is to: Fund high quality projects that can clearly demonstrate support for the Foundation’s vision ‘To break through 40 years of no progress by doubling the number of people who survive pancreatic cancer by 2020’.

Innovation Grants
Four seed funding grants of $100,000 each (GST exclusive) for one year are being made available to support innovative pancreatic cancer projects with a desire to increase interest and investment in pancreatic cancer research.
The 2016 Innovation grants are in recognition of the combined efforts of the Woolworths’ business leaders who cycled the 2015 ‘Woolies on Wheels’ charity cycle and Pancreatic Cancer survivor George Hillen who climbed Mt Kilimanjaro to raise awareness of the disease and funds for Avner’s Foundation.
The objectives of the Innovation grants are to:
  • Support established scientists and/or early career researchers to develop preliminary data necessary to support pursuit of additional funding in subsequent years.  
  • Encourage and retain talented skilled individuals in the field of pancreatic cancer.
Interested parties are encouraged to review the grant guidelines and standard grant terms and conditions prior to completing the 2016 grant application form. All documents can be found at http://www.avnersfoundation.org.au/our-programs/grants   

Closing date for applications is Friday 29 July 2016.​
Any questions regarding the grants should be directed to grants@avnersfoundation.org.au

Ferring Research Institute - Innovation Grants Programme

In 2015, Ferring Pharmaceuticals awarded five grants, and two of the recipients were from Australian institutions.

Under the new program, applicants are required to submit a pre-application. The Grant Portal opened on 13 June 2016 and will accept pre-applications through 15 July 2016.
Ferring Innovation Grants Overview:

What is of interest to Ferring?
FRI is interested in funding exploratory, discovery and preclinical research into novel extracellular drug targets that are addressable with peptides and/or proteins. For indications within our core therapeutic areas:
· Reproductive Health
· Urology
· Gastroenterology
· Endocrinology

The Ferring Innovation Grants are awarded annually and are not renewable.

What the program will not fund
The following types of studies are beyond the scope of the program:
· Clinical studies
· Studies which require the collection of human biopsies
· Studies to develop small molecules

Available Funding
The program will provide a limited number of research grants in the following categories: 
· Exploratory grants: support feasibility studies that will confirm the target’s role in the proposed indication.
· Discovery grants: support further research on targets with existing in vitro data validating its utility in the proposed indication. The planned research should provide data to support transferring the target to a drug discovery program.
· Competitive Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Fellowships: support research in one of FRI’s areas of interest.
· Funding levels will range from $50,000 to $100,000.
· Reasonable indirect costs may now be included for consideration as a part of the research grant award.

Intellectual Property
Intellectual property ownership shall be determined in accordance with U.S. patent and copyright laws, and may be subject to the policies of the research grant recipient’s institution. Prior to funding of the research grant, the recipient and a designated representative of the recipient’s institution must execute an agreement (Ferring Innovation Grants Agreement), which sets forth intellectual property rights, publication, and other requirements relevant to the proposed research.

For more information about the Ferring Innovation Grants scheme, please visit http://ferringri.wpengine.com/ferring-grants/overview/

CSL $25M Centenary Fellowship Program - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

A reminder that CSL has established a new flagship $25 million fellowship program for discovery and translational researc​​h. These Fellowships are valued at A$1.25​M​
and two will be awarded. 

The ​F​ellowships are targeted at early stage and translational research with a focus on rare and serious diseases, immunology, and inflammation, with applicants being Australian citizens (or permanent residents) with a minimum of four years post-doctoral experience.
Applications opened on 1 June for the first two fellowships to commence on 1 January 2017.  Applications will close on 31 July and the successful fellows will be announced on 30 September.

For further information, ​please​ ​refer below or ​visit www.cslfellowships.com.au​.​


Monash Comprehensive Cancer Consortium's Research Travel Grant Program supports cancer researchers at all career stages to travel interstate or overseas, to present quality cancer research projects to a cancer audience, enhance their research profile and build professional research networks.

To be eligible, applicants must be:

1. Employed by one of the MCCC's partner organisations:
  • Monash University
  • Hudson Institute
  • Alfred Health
  • Cabrini Health
  • Monash Health
  • Peninsula Health
  • Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services

2. Actively involved in a funded pre-clinical, clinical or health services cancer research project

3. Planning to travel between September 2016 and September 2017.

Eligible travel expenses include airfares, transfers, accommodation and travel insurance.

​VALUE:  Up to $2,000
CLOSING DATE: Friday 1 July 2016

For more information visit www.mccc.edu.au

Department of Defence, Science and Technology Group - Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Program

The Department of Defence, Science and Technology Group - Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Program improves Australia’s Defence capabilities by giving Australian and New Zealand industry opportunities to demonstrate new ideas and approaches related to using technology.

Each financial year a new round is opened with a public call for project proposals. Interested industry and research organisations may then submit an Initial Proposal prior to the advertised closing date.

The purpose of the Initial Proposal is to provide Defence with a basic understanding of the technology, so that Defence may decide if the proposal is suitable for inclusion in the CTD Program and relevant to a Defence capability requirement. Initial Proposals that are selected for further consideration will be assigned a Defence sponsor.

The Defence sponsor will provide guidance to the proposer for the development of a Detailed Proposal. The Detailed Proposal will become the primary reference for the evaluation and ultimate selection of proposals.

  • 25th July 2016: Lodgements for Initial Proposals close (Step One). 
  • August 2016: Applicants Notified - Short-listed applicants invited to submit a Detailed Proposal
  • October 2016: (Step Two) Detailed Proposals – Due for submission
  • April 2017: Minister for Defence announces CTD Winners

Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation (BGRF) funding in 2017 - APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN

The Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation (BGRF) is now seeking applications from individuals or groups for financial assistance for specific research projects into progressive neurological diseases, stroke and palliative care in 2017 for one year only. Investigators requiring further funding will need to apply separately each year.

Interested researchers should note the shorter application period this year which closes at 5pm, Friday 15 July 2016. Late applications cannot be accepted this year.   Applications for PhD scholarships will not be considered at this time although they may be advertised early in 2017.

The Foundation is committed to maximising medical research and will not fund administrative overheads.

Project grants for sums between $20,000 and $50,000 will be considered. Applicants must be carrying out research in the State of Victoria and preference will be given to research projects which have an active link with Calvary Health Care Bethlehem.

A revised application form with restrictions on length is attached here or may be downloaded from http://www.bethlehemgrf.com.au/requestfunding.aspx. Please note that the text on the website for BGRF has not yet been updated to reflect the 2016 due date or process.

MRO Submission Details:
  • MRO close date for compliance checking of applications is 1 July 2016
  • As hard copy submission is required for this application, final documents must be provided to the MRO by no later than COB Monday 11 July
Please direct queries to the MRO Medical & Health Sciences (MHS) Team (mhs@monash.edu).  BGRF advertisement is here.

Asthma Australia Project Grants - CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (EOI)

Asthma Australia are now accepting Expression of Interest (EOI) applications for their Project Grants scheme.  Please refer to the attached guidelines document here for further details.

Only two (2) applications will be accepted by institution or university faculty.  As such, there will be an internal review, ranking and selection process.  Intending applicants are required to complete the attached EOI Application Form and submit to the Faculty Research Office (medicine.research@monash.edu) by no later than 5pm, Tuesday 21 June 2016.

Applicants will be notified whether they have been selected in the week commencing 27 June. MRO will perform compliance checks on the two selected EOI applications. The submission closing date at the funding agency is 5pm (AEST), Friday 8 July 2016

Further information is available at www.asthmaaustralia.org.au.

Please direct queries to the MRO Medical & Health Sciences (MHS) Team (mhs@monash.edu).

MHTP TRF building safety concern

Internal building access:  It has been noted that the corridor doors (on level 4, TRF building) have been kept open. 

Can staff please be reminded that this action is of a security and OH&S concern. PLEASE DO NOT HOLD THESE DOORS OPEN. 

If you require swipe card access to a particular area please contact Steve Bouralexis ( steve.bouralexis@hudson.org.au)

Air pollution now a leading risk factor for stroke

Amanda Thrift's research published in The Age.

Read article here.

CD8+ T Cells Effect Glomerular Injury in Experimental Anti-Myeloperoxidase GN

Janet Chang, Joshua Ooi et al. published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Read article here.

Adverse Events Following HPV Immunisation in Australia: Establishment of a Clinical Network

Jim Buttery et al. published in Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics.

Read article here.

The timing of umbilical cord clamping at birth: physiological considerations

Stuart Hooper et al. published in Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology.

Read article here.

Neuregulin-1 and schizophrenia in the genome-wide association study era.

Suresh Sundram et al. published in Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews.

Read article here.

Reassessing the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome during pathogenic influenza A virus infection via temporal inhibition.

Paul Hertzog et al. published in Scientific Reports.

Read article here.

National survey of risk factors for non-communicable disease in Vietnam: prevalence estimates and an assessment of their validity.

Velandai Srikanth et al. published in BMC Public Health.

Read article here.

Accuracy of currently available neonatal respiratory function monitors for neonatal resuscitation.

Stuart Hooper et al. published in the European Journal of Paediatrics.

Read article here.