Monday, 9 February 2015

RAMACIOTTI AWARDS: 2015 Biomedical Research Award

As trustee of the Ramaciotti Foundations, Perpetual Private is pleased to advise that applications are now open for the 2015 Ramaciotti Biomedical Research Award. This $1 million grant is awarded every two years to a group or individual undertaking biomedical research within universities, public hospitals, medical research institutes or other similar organisations.

Applicants for the 2015 Award must be based outside of NSW.  The award funds projects including personnel, equipment, major infrastructure improvements or new laboratories that help an existing, well-funded program of research or enable a major new program to begin. Traditionally, it funds a need that would not attract funding elsewhere.

The current application process starts with an EOI application which is to be no more than one page and must be submitted by the 13 March.  Short listed applications will be invited to submit full applications in April.

The Ramaciotti guidelines indicate that they will only accept three applications from Monash University in total and no more than one from any given department.  Therefore there will be an internal ranking process.

In order to facilitate the ranking process EOIs will need to be submitted to the MRO at by 3 March.  EOIs will undergo a ranking and the top three applicants will be informed so that they can complete the online application via the Perpetual’s system.

The MRO have been asked to email the list of the three endorsed applications to Perpetual.  The grants administration team at Perpetual have informed us that any applications made directly to them and not endorsed via the MRO will be deemed ineligible and removed from their system.  To ensure that EOIs are included in the ranking process they must be submitted to the MRO no later than 3 March.

Further Ramaciotti Award grant categories will open for applications on 2 March 2015.
For more information on the Awards, conditions, and how to apply, please visit the Ramaciotti website.

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