Monday, 8 September 2014

Photo of the week: The mathematics of diabetes

Photo: Skai Juice
Q: Bob has 36 candy bars. He eats 29. What does he have now?

A: Diabetes. Bob has diabetes.

Photo from the Facebook page of a chef, Skai Juice, based in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic. Health, not math, is the real answer here - well done, T.C. Hale!

The SCS Communications team invites you to contribute to the "Photo of the week" section of enews. Please send your photos (of scientific nature or general interest) to Katherine Greenberg

SCS Staff meeting - Thursday 18 September 10.30am - 11.30am

Please join us for the next SCS Staff Meeting in Lecture Theatre 2, MMC.

All SCS staff, researchers and HDR students are invited to attend.

SCS Quiet Achiever Award nominations open now

The Quiet Achiever Award is given to a staff member to reward and recognise their achievements and contribution to the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health.  A $200 shopping voucher will be awarded to the winner.  Please return nomination form to

Do you need a new staff photo? Photographer is here Friday 12th Sept 11.30am-2.30pm

Our in-house professional photographer will be in the medicine seminar room on Friday to take your photo.   If you don't have a recent photo (or any photo), please come and have your photo taken so we can update your profile page as well as the photo board on level 5.  No need to book, just come along between 11.30am - 2.30pm with your best smile!  Please ask Katherine or Alissa if you have any questions.

Talented CID scientists recognised for their research in kidney disease

Two talented SCS scientists were recently acknowledged for their significant contributions to the advancement of renal medicine at the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN) annual meeting last month in Melbourne.

Dr Poh Yi Gan was given the Best Basic Science Award and Dr Sharon Ford received the Best Young Investigator Award (basic science) for their research in kidney disease, undertaken in the Centre for Inflammatory Diseases in the Department of Medicine.

Internationally-recognised haematologist leads world-first clinical trial to fight blood cancers

A world-first clinical trial and research into a new drug class to fight blood cancers has earned Dr Jake Shortt a competitive Victorian Cancer Agency (VCA) Fellowship worth $750,468 over four years.

The Eva & Les Erdi Snowdome / VCA Fellowship will enable Jake to investigate awakening dormant genes to help the immune system fight blood cancers.

ICIS Satellite Symposium 'The Yin and Yang of the Interferon System'

You are invited to register for the upcoming ICIS Satellite Symposium 'Yin - Yang of the Interferon System' to be held in Lorne, Victoria, October 30 to November 1, 2014.

As you will be aware, the International Cytokine and Interferon Society Meeting is being held in Melbourne, October 26-29 and in conjunction with this we are holding the ICIS Satellite Symposium.

Grand Rounds- Oncology- 10 September 2014

Unit: Oncology
Presenter & Topic:  Dr Ben Markman, “Check-point inhibitor immunotherapy”    
Sponsor: Bristol Myers Squib                            
 Date: Wednesday 10th September 2014
Time:  12.30pm  

Venue: Main Lecture Theatre, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton

Victorian Cancer Agency Funding Opportunities - applications close 7 October

2014-15 Funding Opportunities- Open Now
  • Clinical Research Fellowships (AU$200,000 per year, for up to 4 years)
  • Early Career Seed Grants (AU$200,000, for up to 2 years)
  • ONJCWC Supportive Care Research PhD Scholarships
  • 2014 Richard Pratt Fellowships in Prostate Cancer (AU$100,000 per year, for up to 2 years)
Closing date for all grants is the 7th October. Please visit the VCA website for further information:

Postgraduate Publication Awards - PPAs Round 3/2014 due 30 September

For all Monash University students intending to submit their PhD between 1 Sept and 30 Nov 2014, you may apply for the Postgraduate Publication Award.

The PPA scheme is designed to encourage research degree candidates to disseminate their research findings to a wider public through publication in professional journals or books.

RU OK? Day

R U OK? Day is a national day of action that reminds us that every person and every conversation counts. Here’s some ways to get involved:

For more information and copies of flyers, and posters, visit the Monash R  U OK Day? website.

Introduction to Mindfulness (delivered by guru Craig Hassed) Tuesday 14 October

Mindfulness involves a series of simple meditative practices and cognitive strategies to help change unproductive thought and behaviour patterns. Mindfulness can also be described as an attitude to living and may enhance:

- stress management
- work and study performance
- contentment, peace of mind and balance
- relationships at home and work
                                   - concentration and focus in the moment
                                   - resilience
                                   - physical and emotional health

Pilates - six week program only $28.50 in total

In conjunction with the Monash Wellbeing Team, we invite you to participate in the following Staff Wellbeing and Activity Programs (SWAP) being held for University staff based at Monash Medical Centre. 

1. PILATES - SIX WEEK PROGRAM ONLY $28.50 IN TOTAL  (Instructor - Caroline Lawrence)Suitable for all fitness levels, this is a great opportunity to get active and stretch those tired muscles at work. 

Paracetamol poisoning

Professor Andis Graudins, Department of Medicine, speaks about deliberate paracetamol poisonings. 

The Dangers of Slow-Release Paracetamol ... painful death due to liver and kidney failure  Australasian Science

New Human Ethics Application Forms

As you may be aware, new PDF application forms were introduced for human ethics in June 2014. We would like to remind you that, as stated in the Monash Memo of 11 June 2014, all applications should now be submitted on the most recent version of the form, which is available on the human ethics web page.

From 1 September 2014, MUHREC will no longer accept applications submitted on the old forms; researchers who submit applications on earlier versions of the forms will be asked to resubmit their application on the new version of the form before it can be processed. 

OHS Induction for new staff and students, visitors and contractors

All new staff, students, visitors and contractors to the School are required to do an OHS induction as soon as they start. The induction is to highlight the hazards, risks, rules and emergency procedures associated with their work/study environment.
OHS induction has 3 components - the online induction, the local area induction and other specific area inductions if required.