Thursday, 7 April 2022

Industry Mentoring Opportunity for SCS 2nd year PhD students: Call for Expressions of Interest

For 2nd Year SCS PhD students

If you are a post-Confirmation PhD student who is interested in finding out more about careers in industry, please consider participating in the IMNIS Program.  This program has been running for many years, with students and ECRs from various sectors of Monash University and other institutions involved.

The Hudson Institute has offered places to 10 students and ECRs over the past two years, and will do so again in 2022.

Based on the excellent reviews from participants, the School of Clinical Sciences will sponsor places for 10 PhD students in 2022.  Places may be made available for ECRs, but priority will be given to PhD students in this round.

"The Industry Mentoring Network in STEM program in 2022-2023 offers opportunities for graduate research students to take part in the IMNIS (Industry Mentoring Network In STEM) MedTech-Pharma Program. This is supported by the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering (ATSE), and it is a program specifically aimed to tackle the disconnect between academia and industry by providing PhD students and postdocs the opportunity to engage with industry, extend their professional network, strengthen their implicit skills and get advice from a high-profile industry mentor.   Mentees have the opportunity to learn what it takes to succeed in any part of the STEM ecosystem, gain a better understanding of how industry works and learn about career opportunities beyond academia.

To read more about the IMNIS program please go to:, or review the IMNIS Prospectus.

To take part in the program PhD students must be confirmed and be willing to commit to the 12 month program, which includes the time to meet your mentor (1 hour per month for 12 months).  Meetings may be held by phone, online or face-to-face. You must be enrolled for the entirety of the program.

If you are interested in participating as a mentee in the program please fill out the Expression of Interest form and return it to me ( by 5pm Thursday 14/4/2022. 

From the EOIs received, up to 10 PhD students and ECRs from the School of Clinical Sciences will be chosen to take part in the IMNIS program in MedTech-Pharma 2022/2023 program.

If you have any specific questions about the program please do not hesitate to contact Priscilla Johanesen, the Associate Dean for Research Training in our Faculty (

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