Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Postgraduate Scholarship applicants: new user account registrations

NHMRC’s Research Help Centre (RHC) is experiencing a very high volume of new user account registration requests for Sapphire. Applicants to the Postgraduate Scholarship scheme who do not yet have a Sapphire account must lodge their user request form with RHC no later than 5pm AEST Monday 2 June 2020. Failure to do so may result in their application not proceeding. Applicants should allow up to 72 hours for account activation to occur.

MRFF - Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) initiative - COMING SOON

The roll out of the Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (RED) program is imminent. The $32 million program is expected to commence from June to drive workforce growth in the MedTech and Pharma sector. The program will run over 4 years and will bring universities and industry together. It will provide researchers with industry placements, mentoring and exchange programs.

MRFF Covid-19 Mental Health Grant - NOW OPEN

MRFF have announced a new $3million Covid-19 Mental Health opportunity.  The objective of this opportunity is to support research to understand how the mental health system can be enhanced to be most effective and responsive during and following the acute COVID- 19 crisis. This may include consolidating data systems, helping to design and deliver new treatments, new services, and new policies both during and beyond the crisis.

REMINDER: Please send your application to MRO for compliance check if you haven't already done so

The MRO compliance check for NHMRC Ideas Grant was on the 15 May, if you have not had the opportunity to send your application for compliance check, please do so as soon as possible.

REMINDER: SCS Research Awards Nominations Close THIS Friday 5 June 2020.

Nominations are now OPEN for the SCS Research Awards for Excellence 2020. Following Prof Eric Morand's communication, we are for the first time running an internal School Research Award.

REMINDER: SCS Excellence in Postgraduate Supervision Award CLOSES THIS Friday 5 June 2020

Following communication from Professor Eric Morand, Head of School, we are for the first time running an internal School Excellence in Postgraduate Supervision Award. Nominations close on Friday 5 June 2020.

Victoria Fellowships - close 5pm Monday 15th June, 2020

Victorian Government is again providing 12 Victoria Fellowships (up to $18,000) to assist early career scientists to undertake a short-term study mission overseas (when borders reopen) to foster collaborations with international research centres, further enhance knowledge of their chosen research and / or learn new skills to bring back to Victoria.

Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) 2020 - CALL FOR PROPOSALS

Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation (CTI) is a unique joint drug discovery model focused on collaborating with leading academic medical centers to translate and transform concepts into breakthroughs that change patients' lives.

The CTI 2020 Call for Proposals (CFP) is focused on identifying novel therapeutic opportunities in the areas outlined below with application in Pfizer’s core research focus areas: oncology, inflammation & immunology, internal medicine and rare diseases.  

2021 CSL Centenary Fellowships - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

The CSL Centenary Fellowships are high-value, long-term, competitively-selected grants available to outstanding Australian researchers seeking to consolidate their career and undertake medical research in an Australian academic institution.  Two five-year fellowships are to be awarded each calendar year, for ten years.  The total value of each award is $1.25 million.

Queer 101 now online!

Queer 101 training is now online on Moodle and is for both staff and students.

For staff who cannot attend the Ally Network Training in-person, this is the next best thing.

2020 SCS 3MT (virtual) competition

School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) postgraduate students compete annually in the "Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)" offered in Australian universities.  The students describe their research and its significance in a manner that is comprehensible to a non-specialist audience in just 3 minutes, with a single slide to illustrate key concepts. 

RACP grant helps Monash doctor join team working to save lives of mothers and babies in India

Dr Pramod Pharande
Congratulations to Monash Children’s Hospital neonatologist, Dr Pramod Pharande on receiving the Eric Burnard Fellowship for his project, "Evaluation of an inter-professional obstetric and neonatal emergency simulation program in India".

Monday, 1 June 2020

Working from home - update

From Bridgid Connors, Chief HR Officer

In line with the State Government's further announcements on 1 June 2020 on working from home, staff that can work at home must now do so until the end of June.  All current working-from-home arrangements will be automatically extended until 30 June.

Free parking on campus in red and blue permit areas until end of June

Parking will continue to be free for staff in blue and red permit areas across all Australian campuses and locations of  Monash University until 30 June 2020.  Please note that these arrangements are only for blue and red permit areas and does not include green or yellow permit areas.  The university will continue to review these arrangements and keep you informed of any changes.