Thursday, 26 March 2020

Media mentions

Professor Euan Wallace has been quoted in the Herald Sun on the likely baby drought due to COVID-19, and in The Age on the surge in home birth inquiries due to the crisis

FMNHS Benchmarking with Bibliometrics Webinar - rescheduled to 24 June from 1:00-2:30pm

Due to extenuating circumstances, we have rescheduled the 'Benchmarking with Bibliometrics' webinar to 24 June from 1:00-2:30pm.  The registration system has been amended, so you will receive a new calendar invite in your inbox with the updated date and time.

Beware the 'old' drugs magically resurfacing as part of the solution

Professor Eric Morand
We all want a solution, and fast. But touting 'old' drugs as a potential COVID-19 treatment comes at a cost. An opinion piece by Professor Eric Morand published in The Age highlights the dangers of the recent shortages of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, and what it means for patients with autoimmune disease such as lupus. Read full story here.

ARC Grant Scheme - An update from ARC CEO Professor Sue Thomas

Unfortunately, at this stage the ARC will not be moving to longer or blanket extensions because of the cumulative impact this will have on the necessary peer review processes and being able to commence funding in the future.

MRFF - 2020 Respiratory Medicine Clinical Trials Research on COVID-19 Grant Opportunity

The MRFF Respiratory Medicine Clinical Trials Research on COVID-19 is now open.
$5M for grants up to 12 months. Urgent deadline applications close April 6th

NHMRC Update: Synergy Grants Minimum Data Date Extended

The NHRMC have advised that the minimum data date has now be extended beyond the original date of 25 March 20, due to the impact of COVID-19.

Looking after your mental health during COVID-19

We understand this time can be a difficult time for yourself, staff, students and family members too and we wanted to ensure that during this difficult and changing times we are taking time for our mental health.

Message from the NHMRC CEO to the health and medical research sector

This is an uncertain time and we know many researchers are worried about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on their research, grant applications and other professional activities over the coming months – on top of the concern we all share for family, friends and the wider community.

COVID-19: Guidance on clinical trials for institutions, HRECs, researchers and sponsors

COVID-19: Guidance on clinical trials for institutions, HRECs, researchers and sponsors is now available on NHMRC’s website at:

The MRFF - 2020 Antiviral Development for COVID-19 is now open

Applications to this call  must propose research to rapidly identify antiviral candidates targeting SARS-CoV-2 (new and repurposed) and accelerate promising effective treatments that can be made available to treat Australians infected with SARS-CoV-2. URGENT DEADLINE Applications close April 8.

Mentoring Program Postponed

Unfortunately, due to the current situation with COVID-19 we will be postponing the launch of our new Research Mentoring Program which was originally due to start on 1st June. We are hoping be able to launch this towards the end of the year instead.

REMINDER: NHMRC CTCS Grants - Minimum Data Close (1 April 2020)

There is just under 1 week left to commence an application for Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies (CTCS) Grants.  Please forward the following information from the MRO to any researchers within your local areas who may be interested in applying but are yet to begin. For questions, please contact

Telematics Trust 2020 Small Grants round postponed until further notice

As you are aware, the Premier Daniel Andrews recently declared Victoria a state of emergency due to the growing concern about COVID-19. The situation is evolving rapidly and is unprecedented in Victoria.

UPDATE: FMNHS Platform Access Grants 2020 (PAG 2020) on hold until further notice

In light of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, the Faculty has made the decision to place the 2020 round of Platform Access Grants (PAG 2020) on hold until further notice.