Thursday, 26 March 2020

Telematics Trust 2020 Small Grants round postponed until further notice

As you are aware, the Premier Daniel Andrews recently declared Victoria a state of emergency due to the growing concern about COVID-19. The situation is evolving rapidly and is unprecedented in Victoria.

The impact that COVID-19 is likely to be having on our grant partners, their staff and their communities. Therefore, after much consideration the Trustees have decided to postpone the 2020 Small Grants Round until further notice. This decision has been made to alleviate concerns and avoid potential workload issues for all involved during this time.

Technology has increasingly gained importance in our daily lives. As organisations, businesses and educational institutions begin transitioning to online and flexible work arrangements, the Telematics Trust imagine the technology needs of today will be significantly different to those to come in the near future. New and innovative ways will continue to arise and the Trust is committed to harnessing this potential and funding to meet these needs.

Best wishes go to anyone who has been impacted and hope that you, your family, friends and colleagues stay safe and well.

The Telematics team will remain working and contactable throughout this time however will be working remotely, please direct all queries until further notice to

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