Thursday, 5 March 2020

Fulbright Fellow Michael Fahey travels to US to promote better outcomes for Cerebral Palsy

Dr Kruer and Assoc. Prof Michael Fahey
SCS Associate Professor Michael Fahey has spent the past three months at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix as a Fulbright Fellow where he has cultivated relationships with institutions across the U.S. to help advance the work and understanding of cerebral palsy and genetics.

Reminder: Call to update Honours and Graduate Research projects for 2021

Thank you to those who have updated their projects in Supervisor Connect. For those that have not - all projects have now been unpublished. Please make sure you update your projects in Supervisor Connect ahead of our BMedSc(Hons) and Hons/PhD recruitment season which begins in May. Supervisor Connect is our primary Higher Degree by Research (HDR) recruitment tool.

Cancelled: Special Departmental seminar with visiting Professor Sandford Nidich

Please be advised that the special Department of Medicine seminar with visiting Professor Sandford Nidich which was to be held on 10 March at 10.30am in the TRF Level 2 - Seminar Room 2 has now been cancelled.

Cancelled: Presentation with Dr Ben Leder

Please be advised that the presentation scheduled with Dr Ben Leder which was to be held on 20 March at 10.30am in the Medicine Seminar Room has now been cancelled.

FMNHS Dean's Awards for Excellence in Education 2020 - now open

Nominations for the Dean's Awards for Excellence in Education 2020 are now open in the following categories.

FMNHS Diversity & Inclusion Committee presents International Women's Day

Turning Point, in partnership with the EHCS Diversity & Inclusion Committee, presents International Women's Day, with Prof John Carroll and Dr Lucie Joschko. A discussion about the Athena SWAN (Scientific Women's Academic Network) initiative, the Monash plan and future opportunities for staff.

MHTP ECR committee Ideas Grants session

The MHTP ECR committee recently held an Ideas Grants Q&A session, organised by Dragana Odobasic and Tesha Tsai. The panel consisted of 2019 Ideas grant recipients and Ideas grant reviewers/panel members: Prof David Nikolic-Paterson, Dr Rachel Hill, Dr Michelle Tate. Dr Connie Wong and Dr Shayanti Mukherjee.

Reminder: SCS-Hudson Institute International Women's Day event

To celebrate International Women's Day, the SCS Women in Science, Discovery and Medicine (WiSDoM) Committee and Hudson Institute Equity and Diversity committee are hosting and afternoon of Tea and Stories.

NHMRC Synergy Grants – Now Open

Funder: NHMRC
Funding opportunity: NHMRC Synergy Grants
Minimum Data Close date: 5pm AEST 25 March 2020
Funder Close date22 April 2020

2020 Club Melbourne Fellowship - Now Open

Funder: Club Melbourne
Funding opportunity: Fellowship for an early/mid-career researcher
Funding: $10,000 conference and research grant, but also for them to have access to the exclusive Club Melbourne network.
MRO Close date: 27 March 2020
Funder Close date1 June 2020

FMNHS Benchmarking with Bibliometrics Webinar (1 April 2020)

The Faculty Research Office and the FMNHS Subject Librarians invite you to join us for a webinar on benchmarking with bibliometrics.

NHMRC Clinical Trial & Cohort Study Grants & NHMRC Ideas Grants information webinar

The NHMRC Clinical Trial and Cohort Studies (CTCS) Grants scheme will open in Sapphire this Wednesday, 4 March and the NHMRC Ideas Grants scheme will open in Sapphire the following Wednesday, 11 March.

Round 9 of the Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) is now open.

Funder: Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Funding opportunity: Cooperative Research Centre Projects (CRC-P) grants
Fundind: Grants are available between $100k and $3m, although the latter will only be funded in exceptional circumstances.  The grant will cover 50% of the total eligible project expenditure and so there is a cash matching requirement from the project collaborators.
Closing date: 19 March 2020

Associate Prof Jake Shortt receives Cancer Council Victoria funding for research into leukaemia and lymphoma treatments

Associate Professor Jake Shortt
Congratulations to Associate Professor Jake Shortt, Head of Haematology Research in the School of Clinical Sciences, who is the recipient of a Cancer Council Victoria 2020 Grants-in-Aid. The Cancer Council Victoria’s Grants-in-Aid program funds high-quality research projects into the treatment, causes, detection and prevention of all cancers.

MRO Guidance for Sapphire Grant Management System

RGMS to Sapphire Migration Key Profile Changes  
The MRO have put together a document that summarises the Key Changes that may have occured when RGMS profiles were migrated over to Sapphire on the 12th of February. It is suggested that applicants use the attached document as guide to check their Sapphire profile to ensure that their profile data has been migrated correctly from RGMS.

Mental health of doctors in training suffering under long hours

“A healthy medical profession is vital to patient safety and quality of care, and the sustainability of the medical workforce.” However, we are seeing an increasing amount of evidence linking long hours to poor mental health outcomes for junior doctors. Read more

Telematics Trust - Call for Applications for 2020 Grant Round

Funder: The Telematics Trust
Funding opportunity: The Telematics Trust – Small Grants

NHMRC Clinical Trial and Cohort Studies (CTCS) Grants – Now Open

The NHMRC Clinical Trial and Cohort Studies (CTCS) Grants scheme is now open for applications in Sapphire. The objective of the CTCS Grant scheme is to support high-quality clinical trials and cohort studies that address important gaps in knowledge, leading to relevant and implementable findings for the benefit of human health.

Profiling yourself in PURE - TODAY at 11am

What to learn how to use Monash’s Online Repository System to Record and Promote your Achievements? This session will be presented by Dr Tania Wilmann, Research Performance Analyst from the University Research Performance and Analytics Team