Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Men's biological clock ticks too: IVF study shows success halves by age 50
SCS staff meeting including presentation of Andrew Ramsden MHTP ECR Collaborative Award
The first SCS staff meeting for 2020 will be held on Friday, 13 March in the Department of Paediatrics Seminar room, Level 5, Monash Children's Hospital commencing at 12 noon for lunch, followed by the meeting at 12.20pm
What's in a name? Confused about when to use the terms Phytochemical or Phytonutrient?
Male fertility: The biological clock ticks for men, too, and affects IVF success
"Until now we haven’t really talked about male age and its effect on the chances of pregnancy.”
Fabrizzio Horta and Professor Beverley Vollenhoven speak to the Monash Lens team about their latest research published in Human Reproduction. Read the full story here.
Fabrizzio Horta and Professor Beverley Vollenhoven speak to the Monash Lens team about their latest research published in Human Reproduction. Read the full story here.
Reminder to register: SCS-Hudson Institute International Women's Day event
To celebrate International Women's Day, the SCS Women in Science, Discovery and Medicine (WiSDoM) Committee and Hudson Institute Equity and Diversity committee are hosting and afternoon of Tea and Stories.
Clinical Registry Data Analysis Using Stata - 2 day workshop
This two-day workshop is designed specifically for those interested in the use of Stata to analyse data from longitudinal studies such as clinical registries, routinely collected health data, and even cohort studies.
Acid attack on diabetes
Professor Barbora de Courten has featured in the Herald Sun for her research into the use of Carnosine as a way to manage type 2 diabetes and the factors that lead to it. Read the full story here
MHTP Clinical Research Support Workshop
MHTP is a dynamic and growing research precinct integrated with Monash Health, one of the largest health services nationally. Our clinical research activity is growing yet greater opportunities are available.
Should we ban junk food in schools?
Evelyn Volders from the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food spoke with The Conversation about whether junk food should be banned in our schools. Read the full story here
New yellow scratch permit process
As of Monday 24 February, the University is moving to virtual permits which means there will be no more paper permits to display on vehicle windows or dashboards. As a result, Yellow Permits will no longer be available from SCS Reception.
Publications for 20th February 2020
A plasmid-encoded peptide from Staphylococcus aureus induces anti-myeloperoxidase nephritogenic autoimmunity
Ooi J D et al published in Nature communications
Platelet retention in inflamed glomeruli occurs via selective prolongation of interactions with immune cells.
Finsterbusch M et al published in Kidney International
The Global Educational Toxicology Toolkit (GETKIT): A 1-Day Course for Teaching Poisoning Essentials in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC): Course Development and Pilot Data Analysis.
Kopec KT et al published in Journal of medical toxicology: official Journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology
Ooi J D et al published in Nature communications
Platelet retention in inflamed glomeruli occurs via selective prolongation of interactions with immune cells.
Finsterbusch M et al published in Kidney International
The Global Educational Toxicology Toolkit (GETKIT): A 1-Day Course for Teaching Poisoning Essentials in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC): Course Development and Pilot Data Analysis.
Kopec KT et al published in Journal of medical toxicology: official Journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology
Pierce Armstrong Foundation Grants Round 1
Funder: The Pierce Armstrong Foundation
Funding opportunity: Pierce Armstrong Foundation Grant Round 1
Funding: Although the Foundation does not specify a minimum or maximum funding amount, it generally provides small funding up to $20,000.
Close date: Friday 13 March 2020
Funding opportunity: Pierce Armstrong Foundation Grant Round 1
Funding: Although the Foundation does not specify a minimum or maximum funding amount, it generally provides small funding up to $20,000.
Close date: Friday 13 March 2020
Cooperative Research Centre Projects (CRC-P) grants
Funder: Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Funding: Grants are available between $100k and $3m, although the latter will only be funded in exceptional circumstances. The grant will cover 50% of the total eligible project expenditure and so there is a cash matching requirement from the project collaborators.
Close date: 19 March 2020
Funding: Grants are available between $100k and $3m, although the latter will only be funded in exceptional circumstances. The grant will cover 50% of the total eligible project expenditure and so there is a cash matching requirement from the project collaborators.
Close date: 19 March 2020
Dr Rui Wang receives 2019 Thomas C Chalmers Award for best poster presentation
Profiling yourself in PURE
What to learn how to use Monash’s Online Repository System to Record and Promote your Achievements? This session will be presented by Dr Tania Wilmann, Research Performance Analyst from the University Research Performance and Analytics Team
ARC National Interest Test - Advice/Clarification from the ARC
The intent of NIT: To enable the community to understand whether the investment in research is worthwhile.
REMINDER: SCS & Hudson NHMRC Ideas Grant Support Program - Grant Review Panel Meetings
Panel: Endocrinology/Cell Biology/ Biochemistry/Genetics/Cancer
When: Thursday, 20 February 1.20 pm - 3.00 pm
Where: TRF, Level 7 Boardroom
MRFF - important information for current and forecast MRFF grant opportunities
A reminder that there are still a number of MRFF Grants Opportunities across February and March (See summary below). Please note that some have MINIMUM DATA deadlines
MRFF Brain Cancer Survivorship
Funder: MRFF
Funding opportunity: MRFF Brain Cancer Survivorship
Funding: $5M Grant Pool Grant size up to $5M
Close date: 5pm, Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Funding opportunity: MRFF Brain Cancer Survivorship
Funding: $5M Grant Pool Grant size up to $5M
Close date: 5pm, Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Ideas Grant Exemplar Application Library
Professor Mike Ryan, Deputy Dean (Research & Research Infrastructure), has worked with our successful applicants from last year's round to create a FMNHS intranet page to share their applications with FMNHS staff.
Dr John Dixon Hughes Medal for Medical Research Innovation
Funder: National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation (NFMRI)
Funding opportunity: Dr John Dixon Hughes Medal for Medical Research Innovation
Funding: The medal will be awarded with a prize of $50,000 in the form of a grant to support the research activities of the recipient.
Close date: 6pm (AEST) on Monday, 16 March 2020
Funding opportunity: Dr John Dixon Hughes Medal for Medical Research Innovation
Funding: The medal will be awarded with a prize of $50,000 in the form of a grant to support the research activities of the recipient.
Close date: 6pm (AEST) on Monday, 16 March 2020
Pre-EoI Meeting opportunity with Biocurate -MRFF Biomedical Translation Bridge (BTB) Program
Funder: MRFF
Funding opportunity: Round 2 of the MRFF Biomedical Translation Bridge (BTB) Program is now open for EoIs.
Funding: Up to $1 million of funding over a maximum two-year year period to nurture early stage health and medical research to reach proof-of-concept stage with potential to attract further capital and support.
Close date: 6 March 2020
Funding opportunity: Round 2 of the MRFF Biomedical Translation Bridge (BTB) Program is now open for EoIs.
Funding: Up to $1 million of funding over a maximum two-year year period to nurture early stage health and medical research to reach proof-of-concept stage with potential to attract further capital and support.
Close date: 6 March 2020
FMNHS Advancing Women's Research Success Grants (AWRSG)
The grant program is designed to support the career progression of early to mid-career high potential female academic staff (Level B & Level C) who have primary caregiving responsibilities.