Wednesday, 29 July 2020

PURE: Creating & validating external Projects - Change in process

At May's Research Managers' Forum, a decision was made to restrict the ability to create a Project record in Pure to administrative staff (MRO and Research Mangers with the relevant roles in Pure). Therefore from today (Monday 27 July 2020), Researchers will no longer be able to create Project records.

The decision was made for the following reasons:

This will eliminate issues that result from researchers creating a Project record when they intend to create an Application record.

  • It will ensure that Applications for funding are not "lost" in the system.
  • It will ensure there is not additional work in creating a new Application record from an incorrectly created Project record
  • It will remove the pressure on administrative staff, checkers and approvers and MRO staff in "rushing through"these (incorrectly created) Applications when they are discovered

It will ensure that Project records that are created are complete and correct and will be immediately visible on the Pure Portal

  • Faculty staff can ensure they have all the information required before a record is created, removing the records that"wait" in the system
  • Feedback from the majority of Faculty staff indicated they believe that sourcing the correct information initially will be a smaller workload than requesting the information from the researcher after the record has been created.

Research Performance Team have put together a template "cover sheet" for researchers who wish to request entry of non-Monash projects into Pure which will outline the information they need to provide to have the project entered, including the provision of evidence. This should help Research Managers create the record without too much administrative burden.

Please let know if you have any feedback regarding the cover sheet or any other suggestions.

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