Wednesday 6 May 2020

SCS Research Awards Closes Friday 5 June 2020.

Nominations are now OPEN for the SCS Research Awards for Excellence 2020. Following Eric's communication, we are for the first time running an internal School Research Award.

The School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (SCS) awards for Excellence in Research are designed to provide peer recognition for research staff in the constituent departments of the School.

All awards will be judged by a gender-balanced panel that is a subset of the SCS Executive. The panel will take into consideration research outputs relative to opportunity.  Research staff eligible for this award will include, but not be limited to, Research-Only staff, Teaching & Research staff; staff who have experienced career interruptions; and staff on fractional appointments. The successful recipients of each award will be announced at a School meeting and will be awarded on an annual basis for outstanding research in SCS.

Applications for the following awards:
  • Early Career Research (ECR) Award
  • Future Research Leader Award
  • Award for Research Impact
  • Award for Research Enterprise

Nominations for the annual School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health research awards close on Friday 5 June 2020. Guidelines, nomination form and application form can be found here.

Please do not hesitate to contact  if you have any questions.

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