Thursday, 2 April 2020

Update – Changes to ARC 2020 Funding Schemes

The disruptions researchers, reviewers, partners and administrators are experiencing now will have long term impacts and the ARC is committed to assisting all as best they can.

They are continuing to address issues as they come to hand and develop contingencies for impacts for the many ARC-funded researchers, current or prospective, and indeed for the research administrators, peer review assessors and selection advisory committee members affected.

At this stage ARC are continuing to progress National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP) grant application and peer review processes because a key role of the ARC is to ensure the continuity to deliver funding outcomes that will support new and continuing grants for researchers in the recovery period and particularly for new funding for 2020 and 2021.

Supporting applicants
ARC will make further adjustments as the impact on universities evolves. To go some way to relieving pressure for researchers and research offices preparing applications for submission, the closing date for applications to the following schemes have been extended.

The new closing dates are:
  • Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) 2021—29 April 2020
  • Linkage Projects 2020 Assessment Round 1—22 April 2020
  • Special Research Initiative (SRI) for Australian Society, History and Culture—6 May 2020
Please note—these new dates apply to all applications, administering institutions do not need to submit extension requests.

Supporting peer review and new grants
A number of large schemes have closed in recent weeks, and ARC are keen to ensure that the time and effort taken by researchers, their collaborators and research office staff in preparing and submitting applications is fully valued.

The ongoing support of our assessor community is critical to the continuation of ARC’s peer review processes and the award of new grants across ARC schemes. These support researchers at all career stages. ARC thank all of you for continuing to contribute during this period to ensure that Australia will continue to have world class researchers. ARC are looking closely at each assessment activity and where possible extending timeframes to our selection advisory committee members and assessors to assist them to manage their competing priorities during this period.

Supporting researchers on active projects
Reiterating some of the information in previous network message for those researchers who are already in receipt of ARC funding, ARC have extended a range of reporting dates, with a view to easing your current workload.

Looking to the longer term, the ARC is also working through ways to minimise the administration of current projects—once the full extent of the impact is known. ARC are working with researchers and research offices on the many scenarios they are facing due to the disruption, or inability to progress their research.

ARC have been advised of difficulties in contracting or keeping partner organisations associated with ARC grants. If you experience this, please contact your Research Office and ARC wi;; work with them to provide additional assistance.

So to all the research community, the ARC is working to ensure that our currently funded researchers and those seeking grants are supported to continue their work.

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